(Akiit.com) Running a small company is not for the faint-hearted. You will need to think about filing tax, and you will need to think about hiring employees too. As if that wasn’t enough, you also need to think about managing your client relations and your production too. This is all ...
(Akiit.com) If you are running a small business that uses a website to sell goods and services, you’re going to want to read this post! During the coronavirus pandemic, more and more small businesses relied on their website to sell the majority of their products to their customers. Selling through ...
(Akiit.com) The original word ‘Alchemy’ (‘Chemi,’ parent name of Egypt or Kemet) means chemistry of Nature ‘from Egypt’. Broadly, ‘Alchemy’ is a philosophical system containing the beginning of all Science–originally dealing with Mysteries of Matter, Creation, and Right Life-seeking so as to harmonize humans holistically with the Cosmos.’” Alchemy-African Sages Chemistry of Nature- Dr. Joseph Bailey ...
(Akiit.com) In terms of technology, dry scrubbing is one of the newer types available to businesses today. This is a control technology that tends to be used on municipal waste incineration and pulverised coal-fired boilers. What is its purpose? Well, a dry scrubber removes acidic gaseous pollutants from the gas ...
(Akiit.com) Any business operator knows the importance of ecommerce and selling products. However, you must also be aware of the pitfalls and how to avoid issues. It is known so far that: E-commerce will increase between 13 and 25% in the coming years. You can make money while you sleep! ...
(Akiit.com) Collaborative working spaces are becoming increasingly popular, with more and more businesses choosing to implement shared office spaces for team members, alongside having dedicated and private office spaces. These shared breakout spaces are popular as they allow for a more collaborative working environment and are ideal for working on ...
(Akiit.com) Most people are looking to boost their business in the grandest terms possible. Many companies believe that they got to go big or go home. There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking big, but this means that you are greatly overlooking the importance of starting small. So many businesses ...
(Akiit.com) The internet can be the making of your business; it can bring you more customers, it can expand your reach, it can even be the reason you launched your company in the first place. Using the tools you have been given through modern technology and ensuring that the internet ...
(Akiit.com) Some people find hunting for sport to be abhorrent, so hunters have come up with euphemisms to make what they do sound gentler on the ears of the nonhunting public. For example, animals aren’t killed; they’re “harvested.” And dead prey is not gutted but “processed.” Corporate America has taken ...
(Akiit.com) Keeping a business running is more difficult than most people think. Starting a business is already a massive undertaking that requires a serious amount of dedication and money. However, most startups will end up failing within a decade of starting up because they’re just not thinking about the future. ...
(Akiit.com) Pick up any news article and there’s a solid chance you’ll find statistics in it somewhere. This is particularly likely if it’s on politics or economics. Statistics can be massively useful, but they can also be plain misinformation. If you want to be able to tell truth from deception, ...
(Akiit.com) The hottest theme in liberal punditry is mocking conservatives for their objections to Woke Culture’s long march through American entertainment conglomerates. It’s not “real news.” NBC late-night “comedian” Seth Meyers denounced the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, claiming, “(T)he only truly unifying thing at CPAC, the beating heart ...
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