(Akiit.com) Your business vision is the promise you make your customers and your employees to offer them the best possible services. For many, a vision acts like an empowering quote: It describes what could be if all the conditions were reunited. But as a business owner, your vision needs to more ...

(Akiit.com) Anyone involved with a religious congregation knows it can be tough to get a decent sized flock together. However, embracing 21st-century technology can help will this as it can engage and disseminate The Word in a way that is relevant and accessible to a greater number of people. With this ...

(Akiit.com) Let’s face it: Some 2 billion people in who knows how many nations traded the intimate details of their daily lives in return for the proverbial “free” lunch. “It’s free and it always will be.” Really? So who paid for that empire you built, Zuk? Who knew that, what you ...

(Akiit.com) So, you know your business isn’t as efficient as it could be and you want to do what you can to change that. Here are some pointers that could make a huge difference for you, and fast: Make Over The Workplace Start by making over the workplace and making it ...

(Akiit.com) If your teen is off to college in the fall, congratulations; this is an exciting time for them, and hopefully the start of a bright future. They’ll have worked hard to reach this point, and they’ll need to continue to do so in order to succeed and grow into responsible ...

(Akiit.com) If you’re a business owner, then you already know the importance of IT. It’s impossible to ignore the hold that IT tends to have on modern businesses. From processing sales to managing overall business productivity, IT is the lifeblood of a modern business operation. However, it’s also an area of ...

(Akiit.com) For churches and nonprofit organizations that are on the fence about going mobile, they may have a few questions. Some churches and similar organizations worry that developing an app for members of the congregation will be more of a distraction than it would be beneficial. Church leaders may also be ...

(Akiit.com) If you are a shrewd and successful entrepreneur you will understand the importance of keeping up to date with the latest technology and software. A business which is based online in the trading and financial sector often has millions of companies to compete with each day. Your concern is not ...

(Akiit.com) With so much distrust and uncertainty surrounding the banks in America, many people are looking elsewhere to invest their hard-earned cash. Making wise money decisions can be challenging, especially for the average citizen, who makes enough to pay their bills each month. However, putting some aside will allow many to ...

(Akiit.com) The 15th Amendment to the Constitution of course meant that African American men were given the right to vote. It declared that the citizens of the United States shouldn’t be denied due to their race, color- great in theory but as we know it wasn’t all plain sailing from there. ...

(Akiit.com) Not all businesses work in the same way. Not all of them are continually relevant, and not all of them are conveniently propped up by the shifting of the market. For example, some products and services and continually being renovated and updated from moment to moment, while others might find ...

(Akiit.com) As a business owner, you will be well aware of just how important it is to have fully working computers in your offices. If you don’t, it is often not long before massive problems arise for everyone, problems which tend to carry over and make a profound impact on the ...