(Akiit.com) I’ve been an advocate for federal term limits of all 535 members of Congress since I began to learn about politics. Some politicians have been in office as long or longer than a lot of us have been alive. And that’s far too long. The problem with term limits ...

(Akiit.com) An American baby born today can expect to live 77.3 years, on average — 1.5 years less than Americans born in 2019, and considerably less than newborns in other Western democracies like the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, where life expectancies at birth exceed 80 years. What causes this ...

(Akiit.com) This year may be the last January March for Life. I’ve attended many of the annual pro-life gatherings in our nation’s capital, and it’s a sight to behold. There’s always a big showing from North Dakota, thanks to the University of Mary in Bismarck. The day before the march, ...

(Akiit.com) Studies show that an empire survives, on average, a mere, 250 years. Did you know that? To put that into context, the world’s oldest person recently died at 124 years old, so she lived nearly half as long as most empires do. Most Americans are unaware of this small ...

(Akiit.com) One of the most frustrating things about “fact-checkers” is how they leap on conservative rhetoric against Democrats as “false” or “missing context” but give Democrats a pass to say the wildest, nastiest things about conservatives. For example, PolitiFact pounced on Georgia Sen. David Perdue as a “Pants on Fire” ...

(Akiit.com) “The next few days … will mark a turning point in this nation’s history,” said President Joe Biden in his Atlanta speech to reframe the debate in Congress on voting rights legislation and the filibuster. He went on: “Will we choose democracy over autocracy, light over shadows, justice over ...

(Akiit.com) It’s a new year and I’m sure folks have set various resolutions. You may have decided to work out more, eat more healthy foods, spend more time reaching out to loved ones, or read more. Others may have decided to drink and smoke less, remove toxic people from their ...

(Akiit.com) In an article last February headlined “Do Facebook, Twitter and YouTube censor conservatives? Claims ‘not supported by the facts,’ new research says,” USA Today’s Jessica Guynn wrote, “Despite repeated charges of anti-conservative bias from former President Donald Trump and other GOP critics, Facebook, Twitter and Google’s YouTube are not ...

(Akiit.com) Let’s look at the top 5 simple forex trading strategies. These are by no means the only ways to trade in the currency market, but they do give you an idea of how a newbie can start with very little and be making money in no time. Beginners need ...

(Akiit.com) Nearly everything Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted about Elon Musk was wrong. Scratch the word “nearly.” Everything was wrong. Last month, the senator from Massachusetts tweeted, “Let’s change the rigged tax code so the Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else.” Some background: The founder ...

(Akiit.com) In about a month or two months every African Americans with a job, business, unemployed etc.. will received a W-2 form or 1099 form in order to file your taxes in 2022 and the million dollar question to my fellow African Americans is Who is doing your taxes?. Are ...

(Akiit.com) After the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the Warsaw Pact dissolved, the breakup of the USSR began. But the dissolution did not stop with the 14 Soviet “republics” declaring their independence of Moscow. Decomposition had only just begun. Transnistria broke away from Moldova. South Ossetia and Abkhazia seceded ...