(Akiit.com) President Joe Biden’s first year in office has brought both triumphs and disappointments. There’s no question that the administration has work to do on voting rights and on passing the critical social infrastructure pieces of the Build Back Better plan. But firmly in the “wins” column is the president’s extraordinary success ...
(Akiit.com) If you are a lottery player in your state of residence and you have notice that for some apparent reason only certain people in certain areas tend to win the big jackpots that exceeds six figures then you are right in your conclusion. The scratchers, pick 3, pick 4 ...
(Akiit.com) How should we commemorate Black History Month? Should corporations, universities, and nonprofit organizations bring in speakers, beat drums, and eat soul food? Should folks take out ads in the media lifting up Black accomplishments? Should there be moments of silence, should folks lift up the special folks in their ...
(Akiit.com) My fellow African Americans do you really believe that our beautiful, successful, educated, loving caring black sister committed suicide by jumping out of window or balcony of her 60th- story high rise apartment complex.? If you do then you have a lot to learned since “Those who control images ...
(Akiit.com) Today, Americans of all stripes are constantly bombarded with an insidious propaganda campaign against our shared history. From Critical Race Theory to ripping down historical statues, our national story is being rewritten as irredeemably sinful. These efforts have taken a particularly racialized characteristic by implying that Black history is ...
(Akiit.com) When America elected Barack Obama to the world’s most powerful office – twice – many thought that naming the “first black this” or the “first black that” would become moot. Misguided Republicans even voted for Obama, thinking: “Finally, this will show the world that America has turned the chapter ...
(Akiit.com) Other than the commercials that used to come on during daytime TV or Saturday mornings about special edition, commemorative coins for collectors, I never thought much about the United States Mint, the Mint for short. I’m going to venture to say I’m like most people in that regard; the ...
(Akiit.com) Members of Congress use privileged information to make money on the stock market, while they’re supposed to be working for you. Make no mistake, it’s legalized corruption. There’s no good reason for elected officials to trade individual stocks at all. Unless you have special insider knowledge, buying and selling individual stocks ...
(Akiit.com) “Everyone cheats” is a hell of a lesson for the nation’s kids. When it comes to professional sports it might be true. When everyone is at the top of their game, and there are millions of dollars on the line, everyone will look for an advantage. Some people will ...
(Akiit.com) By now you have heard what was forecast as the inevitable – all Senate Republicans and two Senate Democrats believe the Senate Filibuster Rule to be more significant than the right of millions of (actually all) Americans to participate in free and impartial elections. It stands clear that the ...
(Akiit.com) With Democrats’ multitrillion dollar Build Back Better initiative hitting a wall in the U.S. Senate, President Joe Biden has suggested that components of the bill be advanced separately. One of these components is a plan for government funded universal pre-K schooling. It would fund school for some 6 million ...
(Akiit.com) Of the four restaurants Rick McQuaide owns across several counties in Western Pennsylvania, one is barely making a profit, two are losing money and the fourth has been “temporarily” closed for far longer than he ever anticipated. The 58-year-old small businessman from nearby Cambria County has one word for ...
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