(Akiit.com) Government debt as a share of the U.S. economy is falling. This must mean the Biden administration and Congress are practicing fiscal responsibility, right? No, it doesn’t. The main driver behind the reduction is inflation — inflation that politicians in Washington created with their irresponsible spending and refusal to ...

(Akiit.com) Earth Day is Saturday! Hooray? “Saving humanity from the climate crisis,” says EarthDay.org, requires us to “push away from the dirty fossil fuel economy.” Sounds logical. But my latest video explains why doing that is cruel to poor people. “Three billion people in the world still use less electricity than a ...

(Akiit.com) What was once a party that proclaimed its pride in patriotism, military discipline and the defense of national security against all enemies, foreign and domestic, is becoming an engine of insurrection and subversion in the service of hostile foreign powers. In the reaction of leading figures on the Right ...

(Akiit.com) Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina has announced the formation of an exploratory committee for his candidacy for president. You may have noticed that Scott is Black. We may ask, in this woke age of ours, the extent to which this matters in his candidacy. I think it ...

(Akiit.com) Salespeople need to remember that building a business relationship requires creating a connection with the other person. Real conversations are never self-centered to start with. They can be turned around to something that concerns you, but not straight away unless one wants to cross the borderline of impoliteness. Just ...

(Akiit.com) In the information age, marketing strategies have undergone significant changes. The rise of digital technology has transformed the way companies communicate with their customers, and the traditional methods of advertising are no longer as effective as they once were.  Nowadays, businesses need to focus on creating a strong online ...

(Akiit.com) Every schoolkid knows — or used to know — that the United States has three branches of government. At least that’s what the textbooks say. But really, we have four branches of government. That’s because Congress — the legislative branch — has for decades delegated lawmaking authority to the ...

(Akiit.com) Clarence Thomas is an unconquered American. He refused to let the segregation and poverty into which he was born define his life. He wouldn’t let racists impose limits on him. He also wouldn’t let leftists claim ownership of his mind or allegiance simply because they opposed segregation. They were ...

(Akiit.com) (***1/2) “I love that brown ball.” That’s what a 7-Eleven cashier says to a Nike basketball exec as he buys magazines with NBA stars on the covers. The young man expresses what kids, teens and adults around the country feel. An affinity for basketball, its heroes and camaraderie. A fellowship. ...

(Akiit.com)  “We won’t be bent, we won’t be bowed, and we won’t be ordered to ignore the hearts and minds of the people who elected us, demanding commonsense gun safety in a state that has nearly none. The GOP of the Tennessee House of Representatives attempted to obstruct me and ...

(Akiit.com) Telehealth has revolutionized the healthcare industry by providing convenient and accessible medical care to patients. With telehealth, patients can connect with healthcare providers via video conferencing, phone, or messaging, eliminating the need for in-person visits. It is particularly beneficial for patients who live in remote areas or have mobility ...

(Akiit.com) Social media marketing extensively uses motion graphics with animated graphic design. Motion graphics breathe life into static graphic components, abstract objects, forms, and text, whereas traditional animation concentrates on characters, tales, and intricate settings. These components are usually put into action to clarify ideas, provide examples, raise awareness, or ...