(Akiit.com) We’re constantly being told that millennials are lazy, ignorant, and just don’t have the work ethic of previous generations. These are the stereotypes, at least. There have always been gaps between the generations, and the way we consume media now suggests the rift between the “Baby Boom” generation and the ...
(Akiit.com) Those of you who are my age will remember the house parties in our parents’ basements with the blue and red lights. Whether boy or girl, although you were reluctant to ask or too shy to accept that slow dance with someone you considered special, when the moment finally came ...
(Akiit.com) Do you have $100,000 saved for your child to earn a four-year public college degree or as much as $200,000 for that same student to attend a private university? Paying for the high cost of college is a major burden facing many families across the country. In fact, according to a ...
(Akiit.com) Back in 1996, a Republican Congress and a Democratic president (Bill Clinton) enacted one of the most historic bipartisan policy victories in modern times: the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act for welfare reform. The passage of that bill has so many parallels to the fight over the Graham-Cassidy ...
(Akiit.com) When we think of crime, we often imagine a guy wearing a balaclava breaking into a home, perhaps in the middle of the night. Or maybe a man with a gun robbing a corner shop. But these are blue-collar criminals and the payouts of crimes like this are typically very ...
(Akiit.com) We all know that businesses come in different shapes and sizes. It’s surprising then that we expect them to fit neatly into the same basic workspace. For a long time, the traditional office has been a staple of enterprises in New Zealand. While it’s still the most prevalent type of ...
(Akiit.com) Millions of people drive on a daily basis. In the US alone, there are more than 253 million trucks and cars on the roads. When you’ve got this volume of traffic, there are bound to be accidents, but you may be surprised at just how common car accidents are. Statistics ...
(Akiit.com) Many folks decide to start a self-employed freelance career because they want to gain control over their lives. The best thing about working as a freelancer is that the individual gets to determine their schedule. That means people don’t have to answer to a boss, and they never have to ...
(Akiit.com) What is Forex Trading? Forex is short for foreign exchange and therefore forex trading is the art of buying and selling foreign currency. You are basically buying a specific foreign currency with the hope that the value of that currency will go up in the near future, thereby making a ...
(Akiit.com) Congratulations, you’ve just finished your final year in college, what comes next? It’s a question that many students end up asking themselves and one possibility that you could consider is a gap year. With a gap year, it is possible to spend some time and evaluate your choices before making ...
(Akiit.com) Almost a year after the narrow victory of the Leave campaign, Article 50 has finally been triggered and negotiations have officially begun for Britain to leave the EU. Although this is taking place across the Atlantic, Americans should be paying close attention to the negotiations. Britain and the United States ...
(Akiit.com) We would all love to be inundated with amazing opportunities, wouldn’t we? However, most people dream of them and then do nothing to make them happen. You just can’t expect somebody to come knocking on your door with an opportunity or 6 for you if you aren’t doing anything different. ...
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