(Akiit.com) When we reach a certain age, we begin to realise that we aren’t immortal. Thinking about and even planning for, your passing on becomes less of an abstract and more of a sensible plan. Many people find a certain grace in the idea of having their affairs organised before their ...
(Akiit.com) Unfortunately, there have been a large number of terrorist attacks that have occurred in this millennium. Of course, 9/11 was one of the worst terrorist attacks of all time, and since then trains and buses have been targeted in numerous countries across the world. In light of the attacks that ...
(Akiit.com) Often the main motivating factor for starting a new business is financial gain. What if there was a way of receiving financial gain as well as improving the society in which we live? Many businesses are adapting business models in such a way as to encompass social enterprise. The health, ...
(Akiit.com) Civil law is different to criminal law because it’s not about whether or not someone breaks the law and people don’t go to prison at the end of it. It’s for seeking justice when something goes wrong and getting compensation for something that’s happened to you or your family. It ...
(Akiit.com) Remember Obamacare? The fight is far from over on the future of the Obama-era health insurance overhaul. Republicans are making a last-ditch effort this year to turn the program and the money over to the state. This isn’t full Obamacare repeal, but it would make a world of sense. States ...
(Akiit.com) Several recent polls, plus the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders, demonstrate that young people prefer socialism to free market capitalism. That, I believe, is a result of their ignorance and indoctrination during their school years, from kindergarten through college. For the most part, neither they nor many of their teachers ...
(Akiit.com) When you say yes to things that are not purposeful for you, you are essentially saying no to your real priorities. What is it about saying no that makes some of us so anxious? Many people overload their schedules simply because they are too concerned with what others think. Saying ...
(Akiit.com) Leaving a job is no easy decision. Many of us have bills to pay, which means getting another job lined up, which means sacrificing precious free time to trawl online job boards and fill out applications. Having a job, no matter how bad it is, offers a certain financial security. ...
(Akiit.com) If a person is only as good as their word, a business is only as good as their image. It does more than “look good.” It communicates the brand, the objectives and aims of the team, as well as the reputation they have managed to build. It’s time to look ...
(Akiit.com) Are you considering filing a personal injury lawsuit? Or, are you facing the dilemma of having one filed against you? Either way, understanding the basics of personal injury law is the first step in successfully proving your side of the case. Here’s a look at what’s involved in a typical ...
(Akiit.com) “Every man is our brother, and every man’s burden is our own. Where poverty exists, all are poorer. Where hate flourishes, all are corrupted. Where injustice reins, all are unequal.” – Whitney M. Young The Main Street Marshall Plan, the National Urban League’s comprehensive blueprint for addressing lack of opportunity ...
(Akiit.com) So many people out there work as a real estate broker, or dream to be one, because they see it as a way of living a luxury life. But the chances are, most of them will end up losing their jobs in the near future. This is because artificial intelligence ...
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