(Akiit.com) Agriculture is a difficult business to get into because there are quite a lot of start up costs but once you get going, it’s fairly safe. People always need food so you’ve always got a market there for your products. However, that doesn’t mean agriculture is an easy business to ...

(Akiit.com) College students today come in many ages and from many backgrounds. In addition to recent high school graduates, there are laid off workers who need updated skills, and single heads of household returning to school to better provide for their families. Veterans seeking to transition to civilian life are also ...

(Akiit.com) Many citizens of the United States give up their day jobs every year in a quest to follow their own personal American Dream. It’s only right that people dream of prosperity, good health and an adequate standard of living for their nearest and dearest. However, there is still an ever ...

(Akiit.com) Making a profit is what business is all about, there’s no way around that. Many company owners out there, in their effort to maximise margins and cut the costs of operating day in and day out, look for ways to expand and bring in more revenue. But there’s only so ...

(Akiit.com) You see these happenings in the news all the time, but you never think it will happen to you. Getting injured in an accident at work is not something you ever expect, nor would you know how to deal with it. Injuries are still a huge threat to the American ...

(Akiit.com) Whether you’re a business owner or an investor yourself, there’s a lot of considerations you have to take into account before throwing your stock in with someone else. It’s no matter if they’re an individual or a corporation, you need to know you’re going to have a sustainable future with ...

(Akiit.com) When you’re an Entrepreneur you’re always going to want to make sure that you’re doing things right. Now, while ‘right’ will mean something different to us all, it is just so important that you’re able to get on with doing things how you really want to. Most of the time, ...

(Akiit.com) We all have a comfort zone when it comes to our finances.  Indeed, there’s a specific part of your brain (hypothalamus) that operates in a similar way to a thermostat in an air conditioning system; as its job is to ensure the temperature is kept in alignment with the boundaries ...

(Akitt.com) If there is one thing that a lot of business owners underestimate the value of today, it is employee training. A lot of business owners assume that they do not need to invest in this because they hire people with the correct credentials or they provide training at the very ...

(Akiit.com) There seems to be a current school of thought that you need to speculate in order to accumulate. This is very much the thought in the corporate world, where many entrepreneurs will tell you that you need to invest heavily into your company if you want it to make some ...

(Akiit.com) Last week, The New York Times published a scathing critique of Donald Trump — the man and the president. The Times said the critique was written by a senior Trump administration official who insisted on remaining unnamed. This bitter and harsh editorial, which portrays the president as dangerous to the ...

(Akiit.com) The NFL’s Colin Kaepernick, the quarterback who started the phenomenon of NFL players kneeling during the playing of the national anthem, has finally signed a deal. But not to play football. No NFL team has offered him a contract since he parted ways with the San Francisco 49ers. His new ...