(Akiit.com) Throughout every aspect of your business dealings, you may be trying to make your clients happier, your workers more productive, or you may very well be aspiring to change yourself, but if it’s not working, is it because you’re operating your business with too much of a rigid ethic? When ...

(Akiit.com) Every day you are becoming busier and busier when it comes to organising and running your business. You already knew what you were signing up for when you decided to be an entrepreneur but your workload is become too large to handle on your own at the moment. Although you ...

(Akiit.com) When most people think of manufacturing, they imagine a dirty sector, churning out pollution and destroying the planet. And while that remains true of a select few industries, like petrochemicals and oil and gas, it’s no longer valid for the millions of other manufacturing activities going on all over the ...

(Akiit.com) Our long national nightmare is over, the midterms have ended. Now our new long national nightmare begins as the battle starts for the presidency in 2020. I know the last thing you want to hear about is more campaigning, but it’s going to happen no matter what, so we might ...

(Akiit.com) Running a business is a constant battle to make sure that you are doing it efficiently and not overpaying when it is not necessary. After all, there are so many companies out there that you are competing directly with, you need to make sure that your organisation runs like a ...

(Akiit.com) On the surface, the idea of upskilling employees is a rather strange one. After all, you hire employees that you believe are capable of performing the role you are trying to fill – that’s why you go through a long process of ensuring you find the right candidates, those who ...

(Akiit.com) Most people don’t want to ever find themselves in a situation where they need to hire a lawyer. But things happen in life and sometimes you need that support, whether it’s in a criminal case or a civil lawsuit. What really matters is that you hire the right person for ...

(Akiit.com) Americans today have bigger homes than ever before. In 1950, the average home covered about 1,000 square feet. Homes weren’t large by any means, but they certainly weren’t bijou either. Then, following a spate of house building in the 1960s, home size increased yet again to 1,500 square feet. Larger ...

(Akiit.com) In the US alone, consumer debt is at an all-time high, with statistics showing that the average household owes around $15,000 – and that’s just credit card debt, so not including other credit such as loans, overdrafts, and mortgages. Whilst no one is here to say that all debt is ...

(Akiit.com) Financial experts always encourage people to live on a budget these days. By living on a budget, you will know exactly what is leaving your account and how much money you will need through the month or indeed the year. However, some people still fail to keep a check on ...

(Akiit.com) When the average American heads into work everyday, they expect to be well-looked after, respected and cared for. In the recent years there have been ever growing incidents in many workplaces that are becoming a huge cause for concern right now. Perhaps you have been in an incident that has ...

(Akiit.com) African-American women face more challenges in the workplace. That is not conjecture but the result o studies and surveys. They do not fare as well as Latina, Asian, Hispanic or white women who are more likely to find it easier to gain promotions and advancement in their careers. They are ...