(Akiit.com) Republicans need to regain the offensive on the fiscal issues. The GOP has somehow allowed big-spending Democrats to get to the right of them on the issue of financial responsibility and balanced budgets. Polls show that Democrats are now more trusted on balancing the budget than Republicans. That’s like losing ...

(Akiit.com) Hiring for your business is a big deal. You need to make sure you’re bringing people on board who will help your business to grow and reflect the culture/standards you want to have. Below, we’ll talk about the essential questions to ask yourself before you start hiring. What Do I ...

(Akiit.com) The transition towards a new Congress is underway. Democrats are beginning to assume leadership positions as a result of their gaining a House majority. The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) should now have many issues to bring forward and one of them needs to be the Western Sahara. Once upon a ...

(Akiit.com) Much like the late, great physicist Stephen Hawking, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has become a fascinating cultural figure – a super-genius scientist whose observations and ideas are interesting and may be politically influential. Musk is probably right about Artificial Intelligence – specifically, the risks it poses to humankind and the ...

(Akiit.com) We have heard the chants for three years, “Build the Wall!” It was the number one reason why Americans elected Donald Trump as President in 2016. Unfortunately, it is the most glaring unfulfilled promise of the Trump presidency. Although the President wants a border wall, he needs Congress to fund ...

(Akiit.com) We are at that point where, for many businesses, the changes from an antiquated business model to a company that looks to the future means that we have to make changes in our own business dealings. Regardless of the type of boss we are, if we are running a company ...

(Akiit.com) Of all the kinds of experience that a person can have, something which is bound to be particularly frightening is being accused of a crime – especially if it is one you didn’t commit. But even if you happen to know that you are guilty, that does not mean that ...

(Akiit.com) Starting a business is one of the most gratifying ways in which a woman can make a living. It enables her to smash the glass ceiling that still sits firmly over the world of work and enables her to rearrange the playing field on her own terms, creating opportunities for ...

(Akiit.com) Not everyone knows the secrets of success when it comes to running a construction business. Happily, you can get a head start by reading the post below. Marketing Not many people think of marketing right away when they consider success in the construction industry. In fact, their mind can first ...

(Akiit.com) When moving out of your home, your children will likely be nervous but excited to move on to start crafting their life. This can be a wonderful time, but is often one with mixed emotions. You’ll likely miss your children no matter how nearby their new apartment is. Of course, ...

(Akiit.com) Even though it’s probably not a scenario that you ever want to be in, there’s a chance that you might be faced with some legal difficulties in your life. Thankfully, for most people, these won’t be too difficult to face as it may just be a case of going ...

(Akiit.com) Do you have an emergency fund? Most households do, and it’s often quoted as one of life’s necessities. After all, you’re always going to need money on your side to make sure you’ve living as happily and healthy as possible, and sometimes your regular income doesn’t quite cut it. Not ...