(Akiit.com) Taking care of your finances can mean many things to many people. However, one agreed aim for everyone when it comes to money is that the aim is to make as much of it as it is possible to do so. That can be done through a variety of methods ...

(Akiit.com) Whatever industry you’re in, every business owner has to deal with difficult customers from time to time. 99 percent of people have no problem paying for the goods and services that you’ve supplied but every now and again, you’ll come across somebody that just doesn’t want to pay the money ...

(Akiit.com) For many consumers, the New Year brings an annual effort to file taxes early enough to help pay off big bills, replace major appliances or tuck away a few bucks for the proverbial ‘rainy day’. With a continuing federal shutdown, this year there are also an estimated 800,000 federal workers ...

(Akiit.com) With the rejection of President Trump’s latest border security compromise Democrats have rejected security for Americans on many different levels. This set of rejections adds to the growing list of recent weeks in which nearly every decision they make works against the citizens of the United States. Even after repeated ...

(Akiit.com) This week marked the 30th year of The March for Life. This event is the largest and longest-running march on Washington, in protest of Roe v. Wade and the general lack of protection for the rights of the unborn. Certain Democrats have it out for the hundreds of thousands marching, ...

(Akiit.com) A lot of small and large business owners have never hired a business coach to analyze their company for what they are doing right and wrong. A lot of times companies will go for years trying to increase their revenue, returning clients, and overall profits but can’t figure out why ...

(Akiit.com) The world of startups are numerous. Anybody can seemingly set up a company these days that, when done right, can go the distance. It seems that, as far as hedging your bets is concerned, the construction industry is a sure thing. Because infrastructure will always be in demand, it seems ...

(Akiit.com) To keep business running and ensure you’re turning a healthy profit month after month, you need to stay productive. Wasting time means wasting money, and you’ll never be reaching your full potential as a business. Here are just a few ways you can increase efficiency and productivity in your company. ...

(Akiit.com) Oh how far the Democratic Party has fallen. In recent days, we’ve seen the new darling of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, crusading for a 70 percent income tax rate. According to a Washington Times report on Thursday, several prominent Democratic presidential wannabes, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, are arguing ...

(Akiit.com) Fairness is one of our biggest complaints in life. Our children complain that dinner times aren’t fair. That it’s not fair that they have screen time limits or homework. Parents certainly don’t think that the amount of sleep that they are getting is fair. Employees worry about the fairness of ...

(Akiit.com) If you’re looking to save money this January on your heating bills, there’s still time, as with these nifty little tips you can not only save some cash, but also save the planet by reducing your energy consumption. These are the sort of tips that are common sense, yet not ...

(Akiit.com) Letting agent fees vary greatly depending on the company and the services that they offer. It can be tempting as a landlord to dispense with these services and save yourself money. However, once you understand what exactly you are paying for, you can see that it is worth the extra ...