(Akiit.com) Sometimes, we can be impeded by the systems we might have created. It can be tough as a business owner to see things not working out, particularly if we have been following our best-informed decision making practice thus far. Business owners all over the world have their down periods, ...
(Akiit.com) The idea that someone is confined to one job only throughout their entire professional career is absurd. As an individual, you grow every day, both in terms of interests and knowledge. As part of your growth process, moving forward in your career is a natural phenomenon. Unfortunately, too many ...
(Akiit.com) The world of business has changed an awful lot since the advent of the Internet. People from across the world have been able to take advantage of lower prices, greater competition, and marketing methods which make the whole thing far easier. Of course, though, as one of the biggest ...
(Akiit.com) Starting a business is thrilling. It’s also a whole lot of hard work. While building up your customer base and learning to market yourself can be exciting, there’s one thing many business owners dread – and that’s taxes! Taxes for businesses can be complicated. Today we’re asking, do you ...
(Akiit.com) If you have always dreamed of working for yourself and starting your own business, then maybe this year is going to be that year, the year that it all changes for you. The problem can sometimes be knowing quite where to start, so here are our 5 steps to ...
(Akiit.com) It may not come as a surprise to learn that there is a huge difference when it comes to how many women are in leadership roles in America compared to men. According to “The Women’s Leadership Gap” report, figures show that women constitute a majority of the U.S. population, ...
(Akiit.com) Should Meharry Medical College, a Historically Black College (HBCU) established in 1876 in Nashville, have accepted $7.5 million from Juul Labs, the controversial e-cigarette company that provides an alternative to smoking tobacco? Meharry says it will use the grant, the second-largest it has ever received, to study public health ...
(Akiit.com) The left claims to be a compassionate party. They say the government must be more prominent to protect those who cannot take care of themselves. Their declarations sound noble, but they are not. Instead, America and our society are a more dangerous place because of leftist policies. The Second ...
(Akiit.com) Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was touted as the winner of the second Democratic debate, in part, because she went after Joe Biden accusing him of opposing bussing to integrate public schools and of coddling segregationists. Biden said Harris misrepresented his record. Biden has been criticized by some for recent comments he ...
(Akiit.com) It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run or what your hopes are for it – you need to be able to get some kind of help with it along the way, and when you do you should make sure that you are getting the kind of help ...
(Akiit.com) When two strangers meet for the first time in order to settle a financial matter of some kind, trust has it’s own currency. Trust really is the most powerful tool anyone can use in a financial agreement. Sure it has to matter in legal terms, but just how you ...
(Akiit.com) Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Inc. is at the forefront of modern technology, whether that’s building electric cars, flying rockets into space or selling flamethrowers to the general public. You can be sure that he’ll be in headlines wherever there’s excitement and controversy within the business and technology world. ...
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