(Akiit.com) When you work on your laptop or desktop daily, the system will soon become clogged with files and software. To make sure that you are still productive you need your device to run smoothly. This is particularly important if you have a small business and you need that much-needed ...
(Akiit.com) Fall is a great time to spend time outside as a family. The leaves are changing and the hot summer weather is coming to an end. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and some quality family time by trying one of the following budget-friendly, outdoor family activities: Go Apple Picking If ...
(Akiit.com) If you’re a political conservative, don’t feel so picked on by the Stalinist Democratic Party. It doesn’t allow dissent among its own ranks either, being the party of the ideological straitjacket. In watching some of the clips from the Democratic climate change marathon, I was struck by how willing ...
(Akiit.com) I first met Elizabeth Warren when she was a professor at Harvard Law School, in 2004. She was fresh off the publication of her bestselling book, “The Two-Income Trap.” There’s no doubt she was politically liberal — our only face-to-face meeting involved a recruitment visit at the W Hotel ...
(Akiit.com) For many parents, August is a month of both pride and tears. Pride because their teenager is taking that big educational step and tears because for many it’s the beginning of an empty nest. Yet, there’s a going-away-to-college question that far too few parents ask or even contemplate: What ...
(Akiit.com) Money isn’t a laughing matter. And less so in the current economic climate. What you have now, what you can save and what you leave behind will make a difference in more ways than you can imagine. safety net noun noun: safety net; plural noun: safety nets a net ...
(Akiit.com) When it comes to running a business, there are no doubt a million things on your mind, every single hour of the day. But what you might not realise, is that these thoughts largely revolve around making money, and keeping the money that you have. But a good business ...
(Akiit.com) “Vietnam has benefited from a surge in exports and foreign investment as businesses look to scale back their China operations or relocate to avoid higher U.S. tariffs. But it’s also fighting claims that Chinese exporters are routing their goods via Vietnam and slapping fake labels on their products to ...
(Akiit.com) More than 50 years ago, this nation enacted legal guarantees that fair housing would be available to all Americans. Despite this federal assurance, however, a disturbing and ongoing stream of reports and lawsuits remind us that we are still on an aspirational journey. Aggressive enforcement of fair housing and ...
(Akiit.com) Once again, the House Democrats are at odds with the solid recommendations of our top military leaders. After prodding from House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith (D-WA), the House passed the National Defense Authority Act (NDAA) 220-197 on July 12. The legislation passed without the support of any Republican ...
(Akiit.com) You see the word “recycling” all over the news, social media and on your television. Activists are pushing for recycling to become a natural way of life rather than an unattainable habit. When you think about recycling, what springs to mind right away? Whether you’re separating your glass and ...
(Akiit.com) You read about it all the time in the news; hard working employees leaving their jobs because they aren’t getting the recognition they deserve in their current role. If you are a business owner you need to take note and listen up. Retaining excellent employees isn’t actually that difficult, ...
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