(Akiit.com) Starting your own business is an exciting prospect, but if you rush into it and don’t consider all the important factors, it can easily fail. Ensuring that your business is financially secure is the most important thing to prevent it from going under. There are various ways to do this, from ...

(Akiit.com) As a business owner, your goal should be to make the workplace conducive to the employees’ good work. That is something that can actually be much harder to achieve than you might think. But if you are happy to look into it, and to play around with one or ...

(Akiit.com) Immigration is one of the most politically charged topics out there, and whatever your point of view on the matter, it remains a fact of life that people move from country to country for a variety of reasons, these may include work, family, a better quality of life, or ...

(Akiit.com) It would appear that speed is the name of the game now. When you’re trying to increase your productivity in an office environment, it’s all about the right tools. But when the focus is on deadlines and targets, encouraging your workers to go faster is only one piece of ...

(Akiit.com) Every single plausible Democratic candidate for president has endorsed tax increases as a centerpiece of their economic agenda. Think about what we are hearing from Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the “Punch and Judy” show: new wealth taxes, carbon taxes, energy taxes, higher death ...

(Akiit.com) If you have a small business, one of the best things you’ll do is figure out how to amp up your productivity. Regardless of the size of your business, getting started and building a name for yourself is hard. This is why amping up your productivity so you’re maximizing ...

(Akiit.com) It was just another day at work. Everything was going well until you heard one of the following sentences come from one of your employees. Suddenly, your seemingly ordinary day took a turn for the worse. “Sir, we have a virus” Your heart sinks when you mishear your employee. ...

(Akiit.com) Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., wants “Medicare for All,” as does Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., her self-described “Democratic socialist” rival. Unlike Sanders, however, Warren claims she can finance her plan by raising taxes only on the superrich. The middle class, Warren insists, will see their health care costs go down ...

(Akiit.com) A business owner wears many hats and every hat has its own responsibility. You have the accountant hat, the sales hat, the IT hat, the social media hat. And then you bring in the brown paper bag because so much responsibility leads to needing to breathe into one!  You ...

(Akiit.com) Are the use of nooses as symbols of intimidation rising in the workplace? Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) data says that reports of racism and discrimination are on the rise. Their data does not speak to nooses, particularly. Still, it is disturbing to peruse newspaper reports to learn that ...

(Akiit.com) A career change is a pretty tempting prospect for everyone from time to time. After all, who doesn’t like the idea of a change every now and then? Of course, for many of us, it never really goes much further than an idea. This can often be for a ...

(Akiit.com) Whether you like them or not, a lot of big businesses are sucking up to government in ways couched as being principled, but are really just attempts to make sure they maintain their dominance. Preemptively addressing an issue is one way, an effective way, to keep the government from ...