(Akiit.com) If you are looking to extend your business with party supplies your first step will undoubtedly be to find a good wholesaler. You need to build up a strong relationship with a company you can trust. Use the following four points to help you whilst on your quest to ...
(Akiit.com) Andrea Harris was not well-known, but she should have been. She was the co-founder of the North Carolina Institute of Minority Business Development, an advocate for social and economic justice, a champion for historically Black colleges and universities, and a Bennett Belle (Class of 1970) who passionately loved her ...
(Akiit.com) Once again, President Donald Trump is being scapegoated for societal problems that he didn’t cause. He didn’t bring the coronavirus to our shores, and he has not created an atmosphere of racial disharmony in this country. Is there anything Trump’s haters won’t blame on him? They’ve been trying to ...
(Akiit.com) Data security is rightly a serious concern for businesses. We’re all doing a lot more online, including remote working, paying our bills or handling your company’s orders. With more sensitive data being stored online, it’s essential to protect it. 1. Encrypt your data. You don’t need to be an ...
(Akiit.com) Saving money in business is definitely important to do more of, and regardless of how far a business has come, there’s always risks and events that could end up with it falling apart or suffering in some way. Here are some tips to save money for your business. Keep ...
(Akiit.com) The recent protests we’ve seen against police misconduct and police brutality have got many of us thinking about many different things – whether we’re protesting or not and regardless of where we are in the world. We may be thinking about the state of racial affairs in America. We ...
(Akiit.com) The man in black solemnly stepped forward and placed a flower wreath at the military graveyard’s central display as TV cameras from many networks recorded the ceremony to mark Memorial Day. Americans whose loved ones gave some, or gave all, for our nation expect this annual moment of honor ...
(Akiit.com) We are three-and-a-half years into Trump’s first presidential term, but why are we still in Hillary’s playbook? I suppose it could be coincidence. Life is full of coincidences. Maybe winning lottery tickets are a coincidence. A man in our area recently bought two lottery tickets at the mini-mart, went ...
(Akiit.com) Investing is a great option for so many people and it might be something that you’re thinking about doing as well. If so, it’s a good idea to consider the many options open to you and how you might weigh them up. There are also lots of other things ...
(Akiit.com) While President Trump is working hard to rebuild Michigan’s economy, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her minions are doing everything they can to destroy it. President Trump visited a Michigan Ford Motor Company auto plant his administration had retooled into a veritable “arsenal of health care,” turning out ventilators for ...
(Akiit.com) Starting a new business and being your own boss is often top of the bucket list of many aspiring entrepreneurs. If you’ve got a plan for new business and believe in the business plan you’ve drawn up, you’ve already done the first difficult bit. The next step is to ...
(Akiit.com) We all read the headlines and see the news that talks about cybercrime and how certain large companies have had their information and data hacked. Although they aren’t the most regular, they can and do happen, and protecting your information is so important, not to mention how important it ...
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