(Akiit.com) The rental market can be great for a while as you set yourself up in your adult life, but eventually, it becomes something that’s just dead money. It’s not going anywhere other than the landlord’s pockets, nor is it benefiting you in any way. It’s important to try and ...
(Akiit.com) Being in a position where you can choose to get a mortgage is an excellent position to be in. You get to decide on your new house, your furniture, where you live – everything about buying a house is a fun process, except the bit where you have to ...
(Akiit.com) Many people wish they could work and travel simultaneously, as statistics indicate that there are 21 million global travellers who want to earn a living while traveling. Research from the University of Helsinki indicates that going on a trip can improve your work productivity and help you live longer. ...
(Akiit.com) Last week the nation, and indeed the world, reacted with scorn and ridicule when President Trump’s federal tax bill of $750 was shared with the world. Many were outraged to have spent more on their federal income tax than the billionaire head of state. But while this may certainly ...
(Akiit.com) “I vote for the man (or woman), not the party” is what millions of Americans say and what, in fact, many do. It is intended as a noble sentiment: “I am not one of those Americans who votes blindly by party; I measure each candidate and then decide which ...
(Akiit.com) With so much happening in your child’s teenage years, it can be easy to neglect their financial training, but this aspect of their development is crucial to their future success. Imagine packing them off to university with no previous experience of handling money? It might be fine, but there’s ...
(Akiit.com) “The poor will always be with us,” say the cynics. No doubt, some will always be wealthier than others. We wouldn’t want to live in a society that forced all to be equal. But poverty isn’t inevitable. The 30 million people in America who lived in poverty even before ...
(Akiit.com) We think this is, now more than ever, the perfect time to talk about some of the things that are going on in the world and how it might be affecting your business. The world has definitely changed over the last few months, well, since the beginning of the ...
(Akiit.com) If you’re interested in creating a small business, there are no doubt tons of different things that you could dedicate your time and energy to – ranging from researching the best niche to operate in, to figuring out the most effective SEO strategy to undertake. All of that stuff ...
(Akiit.com) Stress is something that all of us have in our lives at some point. Stress comes from a variety of places and can appear at any time. The thing about stress is that whilst it may be something that happens on a regular basis, that doesn’t mean that you ...
(Akiit.com) Motorcycles have an interesting reputation. On one hand, people see them as these cool vehicles that you can zip around on for fun. Motorcycles have traditionally been used in movies and TV shows as the method of transport for the ‘cool dude’ character. On the other hand, you have ...
(Akiit.com) Software Solutions Software solutions typically include accounting software, project management software, email marketing software, and communication software. There are many more depending, and depending on your business’s nature, you may need to expand your range. But for the purposes of most companies, using one or all of these core ...
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