(Akiit.com) On July,12, 2020 Churchill Capital LLC announced plans to merge with (Polaris holding a.k.a) MultiPlan in a M&A valued at $11 billion USD. On October 07, 2020 Churchill Capital LLC shareholders approve the merger with MultiPlan shareholders and the deal was finalized. On November 07, 2020 short selling firm Muddy Waters ...
(Akiit.com) Did you know that Black people are not going to be allowed to vote in America anymore? At least in states controlled by Republicans. Sounds a bit unlikely, but that’s a conclusion you might have come to if you took seriously what President Joe Biden said in Philadelphia on ...
(Akiit.com) There is lots of great news in the June Employment Situation report (https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm). Eight hundred and fifty thousand jobs were created! And while the unemployment rate remained essentially unchanged at 5.9 percent, the labor market is showing signs of life. The Biden-Harris administration doesn’t mind crowing about it, either, ...
(Akiit.com) Tennis superstar Naomi Osaka is the world’s best-paid female athlete. She made an estimated $60 million last year. The 23-year-old is on top of the tennis world, but is her refusal to honor the rules set by that world justified? Osaka recently declined to attend a post-game news conference ...
(Akiit.com) Politicians say they pass laws to “protect Americans from big business.” People like hearing that. Many don’t like big business. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that those laws often help big business while hurting consumers. “Big business and big government are not enemies like a lot of people think ...
(Akiit.com) It is one of the unfortunate ironies coming out of the Biden administration that, with all the obsession about so-called equity, the policies they are putting forth will only hurt the very low-income Americans they pretend to want to help. The Biden administration is growing government at a record ...
(Akiit.com) There is lots of great news in the June Employment Situation report. Eight hundred and fifty thousand jobs were created! And while the unemployment rate remained essentially unchanged at 5.9 percent, the labor market is showing signs of life. The Biden-Harris administration doesn’t mind crowing about it, either, noting ...
(Akiit.com) Most of us recall as children getting into a dispute with another kid and then blaming him for starting a fight. When Mom approached you said, “he hit me first.” The other kid denies it and accuses you of hitting him first. As adults we become more sophisticated when ...
(Akiit.com) If you’re white and work for the federal government, get ready to be labelled a racist, regardless of how fair and open-minded you are. On Friday, President Joe Biden ordered all federal agencies to ramp up workplace training on “systemic and institutional racism” and “implicit and unconscious bias.” Those ...
(Akiit.com) White-collar crime can have a negative impact on your business. If you are not careful you will end up losing valuable resources and money to dishonest employees. White-collar crime is one of the most popular crimes that can be perpetrated against businesses. Almost every business suffers from it whether ...
(Akiit.com) President Joe Biden’s performance at the meeting with foreign leaders in Britain last week was a disgrace. Joe Biden cut deals with Britain that sold out America’s interests, and for doing so, he won the worshipful accolades of the Europeans, the Brits and the Canadians. It’s amazing how popular ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) When it comes to managing a company of your own, your finances are always going to be the most top heavy task to take care of. After all, it takes a firm and careful hand to balance the books day after day, and when you’re just not sure how ...
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