(Akiit.com) This week marks First Responders’ Day. It’s a unique chance to consider the crucial role that first responders like police, firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics play in our society. And it’s an opportunity to give our thanks for the brave sacrifices these fine Americans make in order to keep all ...

(Akiit.com) By now, many people are either tired of or growing immune to information about COVID-19. The fact remains that we know much more about COVID than we did 18 months ago, but many people want to play ignorant or still try to convince themselves that somehow the pandemic is ...

(Akiit.com) As a lifelong student of history, I believe that past is prologue and I tend to rely on history to help inform my decisions in public life. I often paraphrase George Santayana, who is credited with having said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” ...

(Akiit.com) Yes, this is a message for all my Beautiful African American Queens who are strong. bold, independent, outspoken, with or without kids and strong supporters of the white woman #Me-too movement. According to national statistics and black demographic.com there is approximately 84% of African American woman who are currently ...

(Akiit.com) Electronic cigarettes, which deliver nicotine without tobacco or combustion, are the most important harm-reducing alternative to smoking ever developed — one that could prevent millions of premature deaths in the United States alone. Yet bureaucrats and politicians seem determined to negate that historic opportunity through regulations and taxes that ...

(Akiit.com) Can you imagine what the highways would resemble if there were no requirement for driving? Having traffic lights, stop signs, and other signals enables people to drive safely on the roads. These requirements prevent accidents and save lives. While most people don’t want to be told to do anything ...

(Akiit.com) The fall of Afghanistan joins a long list of modern US imperial debacles like the US/NATO caused wreckages of Yugoslavia, Iraq, the destruction of Libya and the crisis in Yemen. The corporate media is framing this like its Joe Biden’s fault when every president since George W. Bu$h has had a hand in this mess. Each ...

(Akiit.com) E-juices are an integral part of the vaping experience. With their vast array of different flavours, you can try any juices that are on the market. Regardless of how many you try, you will find your favourite, and this could become your go-to vaping option going forward, especially if ...

(Akiit.com) On July,12, 2020 Churchill Capital LLC announced plans to merge with (Polaris holding a.k.a) MultiPlan in a M&A valued at $11 billion USD. On October 07, 2020 Churchill Capital LLC shareholders approve the merger with MultiPlan shareholders and the deal was finalized. On November 07, 2020 short selling firm Muddy Waters ...

(Akiit.com) There is lots of great news in the June Employment Situation report (https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm). Eight hundred and fifty thousand jobs were created! And while the unemployment rate remained essentially unchanged at 5.9 percent, the labor market is showing signs of life. The Biden-Harris administration doesn’t mind crowing about it, either, ...

(Akiit.com) There is lots of great news in the June Employment Situation report. Eight hundred and fifty thousand jobs were created! And while the unemployment rate remained essentially unchanged at 5.9 percent, the labor market is showing signs of life. The Biden-Harris administration doesn’t mind crowing about it, either, noting ...

(Akiit.com) One of the first actions taken by President Biden upon entering office was to undo all provisions that protect the life of the unborn in the U.S. and abroad. His memo from January 28 stated, “Women should have access to the healthcare they need. For too many women today, ...