(Akiit.com) Editor’s note: Long-time observers of African American reading habits are alarmed. On public transportation at least, African American romance novels and fiction seem have found a comfortable — and profitable — niche among adults. Rarely seen: history, science, cultural criticism. Even rarer, any book in the hands of a ...
(Akiit.com) I saw a kiss that changed my outlook on life. Now I don’t typically go around watching other people kiss but there was something about this one that was just special. What was even more amazing is that every time I witness this type of display I admit that ...
(Akiit.com) IT WAS SUNDAY afternoon. My husband and I had been for a short bike ride and we’d stopped at the grocery store to pick up something to cook for dinner. I begged off going into the store and waited for him in the car. I opened the car door, ...
(Akiit.com) We must develop the character, creativity, consciousness, competence and compassion to save, strengthen and sustain the black family in particular, and all families in general. Our families need real solutions and real transformation. Now is the time for our black leadership to restore and rebuild black families. You don’t ...
(Akiit.com) The point in time when all we were advised to do to stay healthy was to take an apple a day, to keep the doctor away, is over. Even as recently as 15 years ago we were in fact able to do less and get more, but back then ...
(Akiit.com) Until it started hurting this spring, about 15 years after first appearing, Garry Freeman never thought much about the dark spot on the underside of his foot. Freeman, an African-American, finally went to a podiatrist, who initially thought it was an infected callus. But a biopsy eventually revealed stage ...
(Akiit.com) An “alarmingly” high number of inner-city black young adults smoke and, for those trying to quit, several factors may conspire to thwart their efforts, research shows. A key factor, researchers found, is the widespread belief among 18- to 24-year-old black smokers and nonsmokers that smoking cigarettes is a normal ...
(Akiit.com) Are you truly living the life you want to live? Are you as healthy and vibrant as you would like to be? Do you wake up every morning refreshed, energized and ready for whatever may come your way? Too many of us today are not able to answer yes ...
Racial gap widens as survival rate improves only for white women (Akiit.com) Black women with advanced breast cancer are faring no better now than they were two decades ago despite improved survival by white women — and the gap appears to be widening, U.S. researchers said on Sunday. Dr. Sharon ...
(Akiit.com) As the product of a single-parent home, I always have mixed feelings when Father’s Day rolls around. What could I understand about the importance of fathers when my own formative years were shaped by the absence of one? Much has been written about the negative effects of fatherlessness on ...
(Akiit.com) Have you ever marveled at the architecture of a well designed building from the outside and were so impressed that you just had to see what the inside looked like? Well many of us may not realize it, but our bodies in and of themselves are also well constructed ...
(Akiit.com) The District of Columbia’s black population continues to decline, a trend that might soon change the capital’s longtime majority-black status. In 2000, blacks made up 60 percent of Washington’s population. But by 2006 that figure was 55 percent, according to data released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau. During ...
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