(Akiit.com) Remember when you were a child and the “grown-ups†were having a conversation, and you knew they were talking about something that would affect you, but you didn’t understand enough to know exactly what they were talking about? Well, for many of us, that’s what the debate over Healthcare ...
(Akiit.com) This week the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (the NAACP) is holding it’s 100th Anniversary convention in celebratory “high cotton†(New York) as the nation’s oldest civil rights organization of its kind. Longevity has its place. A century of struggle to meet two centuries of strife ...
(Akiit.com) We need to realize that we ourselves can choose to a considerable degree how healthy we want to be and how long we want to live in good health or, alternatively, which diseases we are willing to accept for the comfort of satisfying our present taste preferences, and maintaining ...
(Akiit.com) Michael Jackson, the American pop legend, died of a cardiac arrest in a Los Angeles hospital just weeks before he hoped to resurrect his four-decade career with a series of sold-out shows in London. The King of Pop was working for the past few weeks with a team of ...
(Akiit.com) The human body consists of nearly 70% water; brain tissue is said to consist of about 85 per cent water. This is why drinking 6–8 glasses of water a day helps our body function efficiently. It is estimated that if we lost just one-tenth of the water within our ...
(Akiit.com) Untreated high blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, problems with blood vessels and blood flow, kidney and eye problems, and early death. It is estimated that 1 of 3 American adults has high blood pressure or hypertension. High blood pressure is often called the ‘ silent ...
(Akiit.com) It has long been known that infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or (HIV), cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) which leads to breakdown of the bodies defense system, and a series of opportunistic infections caused mostly by viral, fungal, and amoebic type infections. In recent years, a lot of the ...
(Akiit.com) Yvonne B. Haskins is a real estate lawyer and developer… As I have for many years, today I will walk in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. It’s been invigorating to see the growth of this event over the years, with young and old, male and female ...
(Akiit.com) Would you like to feel better during the menstrual cycle? Worry less about getting sick because you have a family to care for? Have enough energy to hold down a career, with some leftover for physical fitness and a vital sex life? Prevent common women’s aging ailments like osteoporosis? ...
(Akiit.com) With a centennial celebration of Father’s Day coming next month, and a new president committed to supporting better parenting, liberals and conservatives alike say the political stars may be aligned for major progress in promoting responsible fatherhood. It’s an issue that’s been divisive in the past, even as research ...
(Akiit.com) The common goal of 22 million Afro-Americans is respect as human beings, the God-given right to be a human being. Our common goal is to obtain the human rights that America has been denying us. We can never get civil rights in America until our human rights are first ...
(Akiit.com) There’s enough negativity surrounding fatherhood—particularly Black Fatherhood—that more needs to be spoken either in positive or at least for pragmatic purposes. The assumption made by ignorant, hateful people who often have poor relationships with their own fathers is that so-called “Deadbeat Dads†are all men who just don’t care ...
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