(Akiit.com) WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama has talked to schools and nutrition groups across the country in her effort to reduce childhood obesity. On Tuesday, she will face the food companies that make the snacks and junk food that stuff grocery aisles and school vending machines. Not that the companies ...
(Akiit.com) When condoms breed suspicion and fear of herpes lurks behind every other hookup… When fear of herpes lurks behind every other hookup. He yelled, “Helena Andrews has the best p**** in the world!” into the receiver, and the line went dead-leaving the next man on the other end speechless. ...
(Akiit.com) Antiabortion advocates are claiming that Black women are being specifically targeted for abortions in an effort to keep the Black population down-a conspiracy against the Black population. This comes after several antiabortion billboards popped up in Atlanta stirring up the race issue. The billboards feature the face of a ...
(Akiit.com) Speaking on ABC’s “This Weekâ€, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi commented, “I think everybody wants affordable health care for all Americans. They know that this will take courage. It took courage to pass Social Security. It took courage to pass Medicare. And many of the same forces that were at ...
(Akiit.com) SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A moment on the lips, forever on the hips? A bad figure is hardly the worst of it. Eating a lot of fat, especially the kind that’s in cookies and pastries, can significantly raise the risk of stroke for women over 50, a large new ...
(Akiit.com) Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells (including leukemia and lymphomas). There are over 50 different chemotherapy drugs and some are given on their own, but often several drugs may be combined (this is known as combination chemotherapy). The type of treatment you are ...
(Akiit.com) The President made his eleventh-hour call for comprehensive health care reform on Wednesday, challenging Congress to have an up or down vote within weeks. Once again, he embraced a spirit of bipartisanship that will not likely yield a single Republican vote. But he also articulated a sense of urgency, ...
(Akiit.com) Are black children an endangered species? The answer is yes, according to billboards posted throughout Atlanta by anti-abortion groups. Although their answer is correct, their reasoning behind that answer is completely wrong. The anti-abortion organizations Georgia Right to Life and the Radiance Foundation have placed 65 billboards throughout the ...
(Akiit.com) It may seem like we are seeing an increase in deaths of folks we know, as well as popular public figures. Truth is, it is mostly about aging. The older you get, the people dying will more and more be folks you know. It’s just that simple. What amazes ...
(Akiit.com) Hello, my name is Jennifer Jones Austin. I am a 41 year old mother of two young children. On September 23 of this year, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Just days before I was walking around feeling fine, taking care of my family, going to the gym ...
(Akiit.com) Perhaps one of the most popular New Years resolutions is joining the gym and getting fit. Fueling that resolution and its timing is the over eating and drinking from the holidays just proceeding. The resolution is always made with the best of intentions. This is especially good news in ...
(Akiit.com) All was well for Jennifer Jones Austin and her family in the recent months leading into the holiday season. Jen – as she is often referred to by those close to her — the 41 year old wife of Shawn Austin and mother to a daughter 12 and son ...
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