(Akiit.com) After a busy week at work, many of us can’t wait to return home and kick back with a glass of wine. There is nothing wrong with the odd drink, of course. But what happens if that one glass of wine or beer ends up becoming five or six? ...

(Akiit.com) One hundred one years ago, Booker T. Washington penned a letter to the editors of America’s leading black newspapers. In it, he contended that health, more than any other measure, was the single most important aspect to achieving progress and parity for African-Americans. In April, we remember Washington’s call ...

(Akiit.com) Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that come into your mouth. Unlike other teeth, they don’t usually appear until the late teens or even early twenties. Many people’s wisdom teeth come in easily. Their mouth and gums allow for the teeth to erupt without causing pain and ...

(Akiit.com) Fast food, chocolate bars and soft drinks; these are all things that we know should not be in our diet. But what about the things that absolutely should? With so much information out there, it can be tricky to know what is really a superfood, and what just has ...

(Akiit.com) Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of healing. Practised over thousands of years, millions of people use it to give their bodies a new lease of life. Rooted in traditional oriental medicine, acupuncture views health as a state of balance. Some people assume that acupuncture is just about sticking ...

(Akiit.com) When it comes to getting fit in today’s world, it seems as though the only way that you can really do this is by buying yourself a membership at a gym and exercising there multiple times throughout the week. Although this is an excellent option for many people out ...

(Akiit.com) Evaluating our own sleep is difficult because well, we’re asleep. While we may notice “small” things like waking up to cough or catch our breath, these symptoms are often dismissed about as soon as we fall back into a deep sleep. Sleep apnea speculations are usually brought on by ...

(Akiit.com) So you went to your dentist for a quick check-up and walked away with braces on your teeth. Sorry to hear that! As someone who wore braces in his teens (for three long years!), I can definitely sympathise. I could tell you that having braces is nowhere near as ...

(Akiit.com) Our nation continues to marshal support for the people of Flint, Michigan, as the city rebuilds after its water supply was found to be contaminated with extremely dangerous amounts of lead. The long-term exposure of Flint residents to lead, which even in small amounts can cause grave health problems, ...

(Akiit.com) The most persistent fear I have repeatedly overcome is a fear of rejection. The irony of this people-pleasing fear is that it can manifest in a lot of behaviors, one of which is solitude. Without consciously connecting your fear with your choices, those whose core fear is rejection can ...

(Akiit.com) As annoying as they may be, sporting injuries are a fact of life if you regularly train and workout. Newbies regularly push themselves too far and cause damage. In the same way, seasoned athletes can also cause an injury through carelessness. I’m sure we’ve all been affected at some ...

(Akiit.com) It’s a scenario familiar to many: It’s mid-afternoon and you’ve hit a slump. You reach for a snack to give you a boost. But hold up! Before you down what’s in hand, you might want to give it second thought because that “pick-me-up” may end up being a total ...