(Akiit.com) Exercise is an important part of life. When we’re younger, we tend to choose team sports over other forms of exercise. As we grow up, however, and reach adulthood, we tend to prefer to exercise via running, cycling, swimming, or gym sessions. For some reason, we’re no longer as ...

(Akiit.com) Sometimes, you just need a pick me up. Whether you had a bad day at work, your kids are acting up or something more serious, having the skills to boost your mood can make the frustrations of life a whole lot more bearable. So tuck this list away in ...

(Akiit.com) Children naturally love being active when they’re small. Soon after starting school, you may notice that your child has continued to invest his energies into sports. Team sports and games are very important for your child’s development. They teach essential social skills and teamwork. And best of all, they ...

(Akiit.com) Summer is coming, and many of us want to get fit without spending hours within the confines of a sweaty gym. If you’re looking for workouts with a difference, here are some ideas. Tennis Tennis is the ultimate in summer sports sophistication. It has a reputation for being dainty ...

(Akiit.com) No one wants to hear the words ‘you have cancer’, but studies show that almost forty percent of men and women will at some point in their lives. The truth is that you may well be one of the unfortunate forty percent. The good news is that it isn’t ...

(Akiit.com) Running a successful business means that you have to ensure the workplace is a safe and secure place. Otherwise, the lawsuits and damages you have to pay will cripple the firm. Plus, it is a legal requirement and a basic human right. With that in mind, you need to ...

(Akiit.com) As far as most people are concerned, sports stars are some of the healthiest people on the planet. Because of their job, they have to be able to push the barriers of fitness further than the average person. And, that goes for every sporting player regardless of their skill ...

(Akiit.com) If you’re working well towards making fitness a part of your life, you want to start looking beyond how to get started. You know about what kind of exercises you should be doing and how intensely. But there are other things besides the workout itself that influence how effective ...

(Akiit.com) As we get older, it does become more difficult to stay healthy. Our bodies are not what they once were and even our minds start to show signs of strain. Your first injury after you hit forty is going to be a shock. You’ll find that your body no ...

(Akiit.com) I wasn’t alive in the 80’s, or when Hip Hop truly began to emerge. I’m a late 90’s baby and to many I don’t know much, or about the “good old days.” Although I don’t know much, I know enough. There are some people that you are conditioned to ...

(Akiit.com) Your household is full of things that could be potentially harmful without you even knowing it. That’s not your fault! We’re constantly inundated with so many different products; it’s difficult to know what’s safe and what isn’t! As you’re about to find out, there are some really surprising inclusions ...

(Akiit.com) Have you ever noticed that more doctors and medical centers are offering “telemedicine” services? In case you didn’t know, telemedicine is where consultations don’t happen in person. Many years ago, telemedicine referred to consultations carried out by telephone (hence the name). These days, telemedicine is a moniker that describes ...