(Akiit.com) Did the Freedom Caucus just pull the Republican Party back off the ledge, before it jumped to its death? A case can be made for that. Before the American Health Care Act, aka “Ryancare,” was pulled off the House floor Friday, it enjoyed the support — of 17 percent ...
(Akiit.com) The House Freedom Caucus and its chairman, North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows, are taking flak, many saying they are responsible for the failure to pass the American Health Care Act. With all other Republicans on board, a big assumption, the votes of the 29 members of the Freedom ...
(Akiit.com) There are so many interesting positive psychology exercises that I love to do, but one of my favorites is the three blessings exercise. It is so simple to do on an everyday basis, and it actually has health benefits. So here’s what you do. Before you go to sleep, take ...
(Akiit.com) Anyone that’s ever suffered a serious injury or physical condition knows just how frustrating they can be. In many cases, we can adjust to the pain with time. The one thing that never gets easier, though, is the restrictions it puts on your life. This is especially true when trying ...
(Akiit.com) Alcohol, for better or worse, is a staple of western society. While most of us have had some great experiences that involved alcohol in some way, countless people lose their lives every year to drink driving. What’s so tragic about this issue is that it’s easily avoidable, and many people ...
(Akiit.com) Recently, as I waited to begin a healthcare town hall with my congressional colleagues, John Sarbanes and Dutch Ruppersberger, I was filled with gratitude for the neighbors who were filling the large meeting room to capacity on a Sunday afternoon. “These good people get it,” I thought to myself. ...
(Akiit.com) Getting into sports is a great way to keep fit and enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. It also comes with the added bonus of socialising and making new friends. You can get to know people who have a similar mindset and the same passions. Maybe, after taking the family ...
(Akiit.com) Adopting a child is not easy. It is a lot of things, but it is certainly not easy, and that is because there are a lot more complications. There is a lot more to think about, consider, weigh up and decide, and there are are a lot more eggshells involved. ...
(Akiit.com) Most people would agree that parents have a duty to ensure their kids remain fit and healthy. They also need to do the same thing for themselves. The last thing anyone wants is to become unfit and pass due to ill health while they’re children are still young. So, it’s ...
(Akiit.com) Most people fear the day that they suffer a bad injury. Of course, nobody wants to get hurt. That makes sense. But, it’s not the only reason that injuries can be bad. Injuries can often result in loss of finances or even quality of life. In this sort of situation, ...
(Akiit.com) A lot of people feign whiplash – but those of us that have really suffered it know that it can be a real pain in the neck. It’s caused by a sharp movement of the neck, which in turn causes muscles to tear and be damaged. If not treated properly, ...
(Akiit.com) Having bad breath can be an embarrassing issue. In some cases, it is completely harmless. In others, it’s a sign that there is a serious health issue that you must deal with. You can cover up bad breath, and that issue will still exist. It will still be present, and ...
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