(Akiit.com) Don’t be dismayed or bamboozled about the latest news or the newest controversial tweet or statement from Donald Trump, focus on remaining sane amidst the feverish daily assaults on our psyches by the mind control apparatus owned and operated by the 1%’s corporations. Don’t fall for the narrative promoting “unity” ...

(Akiit.com) Most of us like to think that if we can just avoid the big health problems and injuries, that we’ll probably be OK. But the truth is that, while that’s mostly true, your health is actually more at risk than you might think, and for sure from more sources that ...

(Akiit.com) Most men don’t exactly have the smoothest time shaving. They suffer from razor burn, ingrown hairs, and skin irritation that they’d obviously rather avoid. However, black guys tend to have more problems more often because their hairs are curly, and therefore more prone to become ingrown. If you’re sick of ...

(Akiit.com) Many of us can really take for granted our senses. We look at things only to assume we always will be able to. We smell our food or our general surroundings without really taking into account how lucky we are. Do we really take our sense of taste for granted? ...

(Akiit.com) We seem to think that living in apartment blocks, commuting through concrete landscapes, and spending our time surrounded by manmade structures is normal, but it would look decidedly odd to our ancestors. Studies have shown that people who live closer to nature are happier, and also live longer, even when ...

(Akiit.com) As we age, we all reach a stage where exercise becomes essential to a healthy lifestyle. We may get away with sitting around when we’re young, but the novelty soon wears off as our health begins to suffer. If you don’t get on top of the issue, you could face ...

(Akiit.com) As we grow older, so do our loved ones. And the chances are that at some point in your life you will need to care for your elderly parents or other close relatives. When we are younger, our parents do everything for us, from changing our nappies, feeding us and ...

(Akiit.com) These days, terrorist attacks seem to be a very commonplace occurrence. They aren’t restricted to one country either; it seems that terrorists are willing to target people in various countries, from American metropolises to scenic holiday resorts. Because of the frequency and randomness of these attacks, lots of people are ...

(Akiit.com) When you’re facing the death of a loved one, whether it’s a parent, grandparent, spouse or child, you’re more focused on caring for them and ensuring that their needs are all met in whatever time they may have left. This is noble, and most of us wouldn’t have it any ...

(Akiit.com) The thought of getting older is enough to fill some people with dread. Every person loves to see themselves as a young person yet old age gets everyone in the end. Wouldn’t it be amazing if the idea of being middle-aged or a pensioner wasn’t scary? You could get on ...

(Akiit.com) There are few things more exciting than heading off to college for the first time. Even when it’s your second, third, or fourth years, there’s still a buzz when you find yourself back on campus, ready for another of fun activities, socialising, and learning! There is one problem, however, that ...

(Akiit.com) Millions of people drive on a daily basis. In the US alone, there are more than 253 million trucks and cars on the roads. When you’ve got this volume of traffic, there are bound to be accidents, but you may be surprised at just how common car accidents are. Statistics ...