(Akiit.com) The health food business is booming! People are demanding to know where their food comes from, but also that it’s organic, free range, and free of artificial ingredients. As a result, setting up a health food business is a lucrative option for many budding entrepreneurs. But with any business starting ...
(Akiit.com) The routine The majority of working people out there have a daily routine that they fulfil constantly in order to get by, and it’s hard! It’s hard if you don’t have anything else going on outside that routine, it’s hard if you don’t have anything coming up in the future, ...
(Akiit.com) Mental health is a subject that is dominating news broadcasts and magazine articles. Although we often automatically think about conditions such as depression and anxiety when the topic of mental health comes up, this is an umbrella term, which relates to psychological wellbeing as a whole. You don’t necessarily have ...
(Akiit.com) Life can have a funny way of throwing curveball after curveball at you, and sometimes this can really start to get you down and make you feel a little dejected. When you’re stuck in the same routine, it can be difficult to see the beauty in the mundane. Below are ...
(Akiit.com) We’ve all heard it before. No pain, no gain. You have to push past it. There are dozens of variations all around the same theme: if you want to get fit, expect discomfort. However, there are too many people who take this too far and don’t understand the importance of ...
(Akiit.com) We’re all aware that a health emergency can be just around the corner. We’ve all head the horror story of someone who was fighting fit one day and gone the next. You just never know what’s around the corner. And, the same can be said in the business world. One ...
(Akiit.com) Most of us know that we need sleep, but do you really understand the importance of getting enough rest on a daily basis? We are all aware of the warm fuzzy feeling a good night’s sleep gives us, but have you ever thought about how sleep impacts your health and ...
(Akiit.com) Often in life, some of the most complex things you have are the ones which are most taken for granted. Cars are an incredible feat of engineering, enabling ordinary people to move around almost entirely freely, but no one will bat an eyelid when they see one go by. This ...
(Akiit.com) There are multiple technology gadgets we use on a daily basis. We are also using gadgets a lot more now, in making our lives easier. This is both in our homes and our offices. When making use of them, they emit high levels of EMF waves into the environment. When ...
(Akiit.com) Vaping is the relatively new craze that has grown in popularity over the last few years. It is continuing to get more popular, and people are starting to try lots of different things with it. Some people use it to quit smoking, while others simply take it up as ...
(Akiit.com) Disability insurance is a policy that will protect you if you are unable to work. If you do not have a policy in place then you could be putting both yourself and your family at risk. If you have never heard of long term or short term disability insurance before ...
(Akiit.com) If you have ever heard anyone describe the offices of Google, then you may be thinking to yourself how much of a cool place it is to work. Free food, games rooms, and just a general environment that creates a place for creativity, thinking, and play. But sadly, we can’t ...
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