(Akiit.com) We’re living through completely unprecedented times. The spread of coronavirus, creating a worldwide pandemic, has taken the vast majority of us by surprise. At the start of the year, we had great plans for the twelve months ahead. We were in set routines with our day to day work, ...

(Akiit.com) Cities depend on density.  They depend on people milling around downtown, or at neighborhood parks, or street fairs and restaurants.  Not only does this milling about bring energy to urban areas, but it also contributes dollars to city coffers.  Now with the coronavirus causing some cities to issue “shelter at ...

(Akiit.com) The last time the world dealt with a major pandemic was more than a hundred years ago. And back then, economies were far less integrated than they are today. If you wanted to go from China to the US, you had to hitch a two-week ride on a giant ...

(Akiit.com) Predicting the future is a tough racket. If people were any good at it, we’d all be multiple lottery winners. Since we aren’t, that’s a pretty good indication that we have the ability to guess what will happen, but possess no clairvoyance. That brings us to today, when the ...

(Akiit.com) Playing the role of life preserver, the liberal media are desperately trying to buoy Joe Biden’s sinking candidacy — but the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee keeps clinging grimly to the anchor that is dragging him down to the depths of political irrelevance. The New York Times recently published an article arguing that ...

(Akiit.com) On March 24, President Trump expressed an intense desire to begin the process of loosening restrictions in some portions of our country so that the American economy can slowly begin to emerge from the government-imposed shutdown of most commerce. “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem ...

(Akiit.com) It is all too easy to see our own beliefs as superior to those of others. Whether they are religious, political or otherwise. However, such a situation is at the root of persecution. An issue that all religious communities have suffered from at one time or another. In fact, ...

(Akiit.com) We all want to feel as safe as possible all of the time, but actually making sure of that is something that does not always come that easily. The truth is that there can be so many things that get in the way of feeling safe, and it can ...

(Akiit.com) When you have a super busy schedule and a ton of different family and employment responsibilities to think about, factoring self care into your schedule can seem like an almost impossible task. Even getting the recommended 7 hours of sleep can often feel like a faraway goal that may ...

(Akiit.com) The last few years have yielded some iconic red carpet looks. More celebrities are embracing their natural beauty and letting their kinky hair fly. Others are destroying the stigma of wig-wearing and rocking some incredible, glamorous styles. Constantly treating your hair can cause breakage and irreparable long-term damage. If ...

(Akiit.com) Have you been involved in a workplace accident? If so, you are probably looking online for the best accident lawyers to help you build a case.  There are many different types of workplace accidents that can occur. This includes sudden instances, such as construction accidents and poor health and ...

(Akiit.com) After years of dentistry training and experience on the job, starting a dental practice of your own is the natural next step for your career to take. When launching your dental business, though, your skills and experience will only go so far. To unlock your true potential, you’ll need ...