(Akiit.com) For the longest time, if there was one constant that you could rely on in American culture, it was the presence of the church. Not only was a church a place to worship but it was a place to come together as part of a community to do good and ...
(Akiit.com) Beneath the glossy wrapping of materialism and technological advancement, there is undeniably growing social unrest in the West. We have been through a cultural revolution since the 1960s that has led to a rampant lack of discipline and order in schools, lack of respect for parents and teachers, a denigration ...
(Akiit.com) Anyone involved with a religious congregation knows it can be tough to get a decent sized flock together. However, embracing 21st-century technology can help will this as it can engage and disseminate The Word in a way that is relevant and accessible to a greater number of people. With this ...
(Akiit.com) Today is truly a day that the Lord has made and the more complicated the world gets, the simpler the Word of God is to understand. Often, and do I mean often, I get reminded of the power and seductive nature of ego, pride and the need to control. Or, ...
(Akiit.com) With the Christian celebration of Easter coming upon us Sunday, I thought this would be a good time to reflect on the state of the church, especially the Black church. Easter commemorates the rising from the dead of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith. It is one of the holiest ...
(Akiit.com) In the many months since the release of the infamous Access Hollywood tapes, Donald Trump’s character has been called in question several times. He has been accused of sexually assaulting or harassing 19 different women. He is said to have referred to African nations and Haiti as “sh*thole countries” in a meeting with ...
(Akiit.com) For churches and nonprofit organizations that are on the fence about going mobile, they may have a few questions. Some churches and similar organizations worry that developing an app for members of the congregation will be more of a distraction than it would be beneficial. Church leaders may also be ...
(Akiit.com) 2017’s Higher Life Conference UK with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is set to occur on September 8 to 10 at the O2 Arena located in London, SE10 0DX, with the objective of transmitting God’s Word and ministering while speaking about the higher life. “Pastor Chris” is a best-seller author and is ...
(Akiit.com) With the inauguration of Donald Trump as our 45th president upon us, all the usual suspects from the militant atheist crowd have been trying to block the Bible from being used – a tradition that began with President Washington. Every president mentioned God in his inaugural address, even if speaking ...
(Akiit.com) Actress Meryl Streep’s political diatribe at the Golden Globes awards isn’t the only surprise attention-getting provocation from the event. Nominee film “Hidden Figures,” a box-office hit about the true story of three black women mathematicians who played important roles at NASA in the early days of the space program, is ...
(Akiit.com) As we take a deep breath and step into a new week, I would love to address the pain I feel not just for the country I live in, but for the church I’m married to. I am a Christian. With all my being. My heart loves Jesus 100. And ...
(Akiit.com) So, you’re the organizer of a weekly religious gathering, which you love and enjoy. But, the building you’re preaching in is frightfully old and rundown. A lot of people may argue that a church doesn’t need to look or feel nice. Instead, it’s simply a place for worship. But, with ...
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