(Akiit.com) Indeed, for the last 400 years in the United States of America the African American community have been following, listening, studying, preaching, worshiping, praying, kneeling and bending the knee to a white God, a white Jesus, a man made white bible written by a pale skin demon of the ...
(Akiit.com) The original word ‘Alchemy’ (‘Chemi,’ parent name of Egypt or Kemet) means chemistry of Nature ‘from Egypt’. Broadly, ‘Alchemy’ is a philosophical system containing the beginning of all Science–originally dealing with Mysteries of Matter, Creation, and Right Life-seeking so as to harmonize humans holistically with the Cosmos.’” Alchemy-African Sages Chemistry of Nature- Dr. Joseph Bailey ...
(ThyBlackMan.com) The announcement of rapper Lil Nas X’s limited edition, Satan Sneakers, has created a media firestorm, which was the most obvious goal of the campaign. After all, how much money can be made from a run of 666 sneakers, all allegedly featuring a drop of human blood? Yet there are practical ...
(Akiit.com) Growing up, I was never a student of the Bible even though I grew up surrounded by the best kind of Christians there were: the love-filled family kind. I believe I am now being constantly moved by the Holy Spirit (I hope) to see the simplicity in the scripture ...
(Akiit.com) It is all too easy to see our own beliefs as superior to those of others. Whether they are religious, political or otherwise. However, such a situation is at the root of persecution. An issue that all religious communities have suffered from at one time or another. In fact, ...
(Akiit.com) Our world can be a dark place. There is abundant evidence of this, but one recent example was a threat of possible violence tied to the October opening of the film, “The Joker.” According to U.S. News & World Report, the FBI became involved when references were made to the ...
(Akiit.com) I was recently at the United Nations General Assembly when President Donald Trump became the first sitting U.S. president in history to convene a meeting at the U.N. solely devoted to protecting religious liberty. When critics declared it was simply a political move to score points with his base, ...
(Akiit.com) Only the most partisan person would begrudge prayers for the president of the United States, but a recent visit by President Trump to the mega McLean Bible Church in Virginia has rubbed some congregants the wrong way. The White House informed the church with only a few minutes notice ...
(Akiit.com) It is not going to be possible to cover everything that you need to know about religion in one post. But, having said this, we can cover some of the most important parts that you should be aware of. Knowing about these religions is one of the ways that we ...
(Akiit.com) On Christmas Eve in 1818, exactly 200 years ago, Austrian Priest Father Joseph Mohr and his parish music director, Franz Gruber unveiled the Christmas Carol “Stille Nacht”- Silent Night. The first performance at the Church of St. Nicholas was met with “the general approval of all” according to writings of ...
(Akiit.com) It’s been some time ago, but I again heard one of the most powerful sayings a friend of mine once said, right before he was about to be installed as the new pastor of his very own church. “When Satan knocks at the door, let Jesus answer it.” Maybe ...
(Akiit.com) It is true that an ugly anti-Bible tide is rising in America. It is true that many conservative believers – in particular Christian – have been discriminated against, be it by the IRS or by the social media giants. And it is true that there is a growing hostility against ...
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