(Akiit.com) In February 2002, asked at a news briefing about the lack of evidence linking the Iraqi government to supplying weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld provided an interesting analysis. He explained, “We know there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We ...

(Akiit.com) President Donald Trump’s playground taunt Sunday that “the Squad” of four new radical liberal House Democrats, all women of color, should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came,” dominated Monday morning’s headlines. Yet those headlines smothered the deeper story. The Democrats ...

(Akiit.com) Let’s begin with some items that are not exactly news bulletins: President Donald Trump does not communicate conservatism in the fashion of a William F. Buckley or a Charles Krauthammer. He prefers the punches of a brawler to the scalpel of a surgeon as he takes aim at critics. ...

(Akiit.com) The pain of your enemy should be your joy, and we conservatives are pegging the joymeter right about now watching the political sepsis that is CongressKid AOC and her merry band of idiots running rampant within the flabby body of the Democrat Party. There’s only one solution to the ...

(Akiit.com) President Trump ran for president on a platform of combating illegal immigration and he is keeping true to his word. He launched a series of roundups of illegal immigrants yesterday and late Saturday night, something that was in the works a few weeks ago but had been postponed due ...

(Akiit.com) During the eight years Barack Obama served as President of the United States, the Democratic Party was united. He was the coalescing force that held the party together. By bringing in Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State at the start of his administration, Obama healed the wounds from ...

(Akiit.com) Kamala Harris, Rashida Tlaib and AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) are at it again. Their insanity, racism and hate speech are the best gifts ever for President Donald Trump and the GOP. Harris just announced her plan to save America. If she is elected president, she’ll give $100 billion of taxpayer ...

(Akiit.com) As the exhausted and thrilled U.S. women’s soccer team celebrated its victory in the finals of the 2019 Women’s World Cup, the cheers of the crowd in the Stade of Lyon soon turned into a chant: “Equal Pay, Equal Pay, Equal Pay.” Even as they fought their way to ...

(Akiit.com) Turns out the winner of the Democrats’ first series of debates was President Trump. According to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, after the Democrats debated, Trump’s approval rating went up to 44% among all Americans. But that is not really the number to focus on. A poll of all ...

(Akiit.com) We are all, to some extent, prisoners of the past. Things that have already happened — or that we remember as having happened — constitute the world that we know. Anything else is a product of imagination. But it can also be a pitfall for politicians, particularly for those ...

(Akiit.com) The headline in Salon blared, “Fourth of July’s ugly truth exposed: The Declaration of Independence is sexist, racist, prejudiced,” leading Commentary editor Noah Rothman to tweet out, “So woke, you’re on George III’s side.” But it must be difficult for the left to figure out how to square Great Britain, be it ...

(Akiit.com) A criticism of former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign for president is that, at age 76, he may be too old to be running for president. His record of success at reaching the pinnacle of politics has been wrought with past failures, and some believed the moment had passed ...