(Akiit.com) Donald Trump is famed for his head-snapping reversals. One day he’s taking troops out of the Middle East; the next he’s sending more in. One day he’s on the verge of an agreement with China on trade; the next he’s tweeting about holding off until after the election. On ...

(Akiit.com) When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi abruptly announced in September that the House was moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry related to President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine, it left many long time Washington insiders scratching their heads. After all, since she picked up the gavel a year ago, Pelosi ...

(Akiit.com) Donald Trump certainly is mercurial at times. He can be uncouth. But then again, no president in modern memory has been on the receiving end of such overwhelmingly negative media coverage and a three-year effort to abort his presidency, beginning the day after his election. Do we remember the ...

(Akiit.com) The establishment narrative on Joe Biden is, to put it mildly, malarkey. Gropey J actually is everything the liberals accuse Donald Trump of being – bizarre, vulgar, dumb, corrupt, incompetent, and utterly unfit to be president. But yet the Creepy Veepy is so much more. In the last month, ...

(Akiit.com) When Bill Clinton was impeached for committing perjury and obstructing justice, Democrats didn’t really burn a lot of calories trying to deny he’d done those things, he did. They spent their time insisting those things were not impeachable, that they didn’t matter because they were over “a personal matter.” ...

(Akiit.com) Each time we experience a mass shooting, we repeat the pattern—a point I have made in previous columns. Shock, grief, prayer, throwing up our hands, and proponents of unlimited gun ownership arguing that this is not the time to discuss sensible gun control; instead we should restrict ourselves to ...

(Akiit.com) Donald Trump is talking about labeling the Mexican drug cartels that own our failed state neighbor as “terrorist groups,” and this is yet another step toward what is increasingly looking to be an inevitable confrontation. They just butchered several American citizens, including kids, which cannot go unanswered. They murder thousands ...

(Akiit.com) This is a news story? Hunter Biden apparently smoked crack? And did so in a strip club? How quintessentially American. Wow! How are we expected to react to this “breaking” news? “We’ve got ‘im now,” or some such nonsense? Are we supposed to revel in someone else’s misfortune? Is that it? ...

(Akiit.com) During the holiday season conservatives are going to spend lots of time across the dinner table from a family member that’s a know-it-all Democrat. No matter how much you’re determined to simply eat, laugh and watch sports, there’s always that one family member who will continue to goad you ...

(Akiit.com) All of my life I had seen a White woman, fist up, a red bandana around her head, determination on her face and words above her saying “We Can Do It!” I never thought much about it until I attended a program this past summer where there were no Black ...

(Akiit.com) Immigration is one of the most politically charged topics out there, and whatever your point of view on the matter, it remains a fact of life that people move from country to country for a variety of reasons, these may include work, family, a better quality of life, or ...

(Akiit.com) The right to vote is fundamental to any democracy. Protecting that right — and making it easier to exercise it — ought to be a priority across partisan lines. Instead, in states across the country — particularly in the five years since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act — ...