(Akiit.com) We have an impeached president in our country because he has done so much destruction to our country. He has even destroyed who others believe we are! Many Americans have lost faith in who we once thought we were. I’ve heard Americans talk about being embarrassed to travel abroad ...
(Akiit.com) MSNBC personality Lawrence O’Donnell made a mistake in liberal land this week – he told the truth. Allowing peeks behind the curtain in the land of left-wing politics is a no-no, audiences are not allowed to see how the sausage is made. Larry, a rich white guy, accidentally not ...
(Akiit.com) Did you notice how presidential President Donald Trump appeared at his press conference on Iran? It was a fitting symbol for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s colossal failure in withholding the impeachment articles from the Senate. Whatever Pelosi’s loony strategy — her unorthodox decision to withhold is only about strategy ...
(Akiit.com) Does President Trump’s policies of putting America’s interests first cause Trump Derangement Syndrome, or does Trump Derangement Syndrome cause liberals to abhor the concept of putting America’s interests first? It’s a causality dilemma to rival the ‘chicken and the egg.’ Which came first, Trump Derangement Syndrome or the Democrats’ ...
(Akiit.com) Democrats started this Presidential campaign season with more than 20 candidates. Eventually, it dropped to about a dozen, with, so far, only five of those “qualified” to appear on the next debate stage. But debate performance doesn’t seem to matter much. Both Senator Kamala Harris and former Obama cabinet member Julian Castro ...
(Akiit.com) Is it possible President Donald Trump may have perfectly played the Iran conflict? He’s been criticized for different and various reasons by people on the left and on the right. There’s been a real concern that the president could get us into a war with Iran. It’s early, but ...
(Akiit.com) For some reason whenever I go to the eye doctor, I expect to get a good report on my vision. Sometimes I get one. Sometimes I don’t, but I am always hopeful. This year, I am truly hopeful that our leaders will have 20/20 vision so they can stop ...
(Akiit.com) Some of the Democratic candidates for president support studying reparations to blacks to compensate for slavery. But in many ways, America has made reparations to blacks. What are race-based preferences if not a form of compensation for historical wrongs? Many cities have “set-aside” programs that award government contracts to ...
(Akiit.com) The Democrat field is starting to narrow as some of the biggest losers drop out in humiliating failure. The flatulent, pro-nuke Eric Swalwell is gone. Whichever Castro bro was in just quit. And that hapless furry Beto is off selling autographs on the weirdo convention circuit dressed as a ...
(Akiit.com) Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is on to something: Americans could use a big “freedom dividend” – that is, a guaranteed source of income on which they can rely month after month, free from the uncertainties of the job market and employment. But like many Democrats’ ideas, Yang’s otherwise ...
(Akiit.com) The University of Phoenix (UOP), one of the nation’s largest for-profit colleges will pay a record $191 million settlement to resolve charges stemming from a five-year investigation by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). On December 10, Andrew Smith, Director of FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection noted it was the ...
(Akiit.com) When you elect a clown, expect a circus, and this month’s impeachment hearings have been precisely that. Yelling, shouting, and disrespectful accusing seem more the rule than the exception. The increased volume of Mr. Trump’s tweets echoes his fear and discomfort because he has been called out. Republican histrionics ...
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