(Akiit.com) For most Americans, being asked if they favor a higher minimum wage is like asking if they like sunshine and ice cream. What’s not to like about increasing the rewards for low-paid workers — especially for anyone who has ever been a low-paid worker? This is one of those ...

(Akiit.com) There has been some cheering about the 10 House and seven Senate Republicans who voted for impeachment. All honor to those who took the difficult path. But, good God! The president attempted to steal the election. He launched an insurrection against Congress. That only a handful of Republicans could ...

(Akiit.com) Next month will mark effectively one-year suffering under the COVID-19 virus. Here is the good, bad, and ugly about what we have learned about ourselves, and our country, when the chips are down. The Good: Free Markets. With the exception of the genuinely unforeseeable panic-buying of paper supplies and disinfectants ...

(Akiit.com) This week, President Joe Biden marked the third anniversary of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, by urging Congress to “enact commonsense gun law reforms.” The implication was that the gun controls Biden favors would prevent crimes like the Parkland massacre. There is ...

(Akiit.com) The media’s deep arrogance about the Democrats‘ superior standing as the Party of Science and Competent Government when it comes to the coronavirus is personified in Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He has been hailed for many months as a wonderful role model, an inspiring anti-Trump. Somehow, each and every tragic ...

(Akiit.com) Because of offensive tweets posted by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., before she won office, House Democrats joined by 11 Republicans voted to strip her of her committee assignments. If this is the new standard, can we apply this to the Rev. Al Sharpton, aka a Democratic “kingmaker,” whose ...

(Akiit.com) You want to play poker with a Democrat, because you can always count on them to overplay every single hand they’re dealt. It’s like a compulsion – whatever they have, you can count on them to exaggerate or freak out and blow it up into something more than it ...

(Akiit.com) There are studies — oh, there are studies — on how hiking the minimum wage affects employment. And good studies contradict other good studies. The problem is that the mechanics linking wages to jobs have a lot of moving parts. The details matter. Raising the federal minimum wage to ...

(Akiit.com) Today there is a welcomed breath of fresh political air in Washington, DC even amidst the unprecedented spread of the global COVID-19 pandemic throughout the United States. According to the Biden-Harris Administration the issues of racial justice and equity are now top priorities in a “whole of government” commitment ...

(Akiit.com) Patriarchy baffles me as much as white supremacy does. How do the men, birthed by women, consider us inferior? When we raise our voices, we are irrational or hysterical. When we are emphatic, we are hostile. According to former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, we talk too much in ...

(Akiit.com) With the apparent defection of Mitch McConnell from the Trump camp, the Republican Party finds itself in a major identity crisis. Is it the older, reliably worthless Democrat Party of twenty years ago, or is it the party of Donald Trump? Does it go along to get along, or ...

(Akiit.com) If you’ve ever wondered if there are fewer Black militant voices in the public square today, then you are not alone. My theory about the phenomenon is that young Blacks coming up today would much rather be an American Idol or a first-round draft pick than be the town ...