(Akiit.com) Most of us develop our personal truths through the “magic” of observation and experience. The most important truths of our lives are forged from the furnace of “living.” One of the truths that my life experiences have affirmed is that personally-held ideas and beliefs are extremely difficult to change ...

(Akiit.com) In a suburb near my mid-sized city, there is a commercial building on a corner. Across the street is a grocery store, a discount store and a Burger King. Next door is a car dealer. There’s a liquor store on the other side and a convenience store right across ...

(Akiit.com) There are two undisputable facts. First, most people really have little understanding of the true meaning of critical race theory (CRT). Second, there is little evidence that critical race theory is taught in K-12 classes. The means by which students learn about the past represents the latest rallying cry among ...

(Akiit.com) President Joe Biden and the Democratic Congress have come through with a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package—something the previous president repeatedly promised but never delivered. The plan will bring much-needed investments to American communities to fix roads and bridges, update water and energy systems, and expand affordable access to broadband ...

(Akiit.com) This is a story that the white mainstream media, the white LGBT and the United States Army does not want Black America, Black LGBT and the world to know about as they covered it up and gave little attention or importance to the death of a beautiful hard working ...

(Akiit.com) Some believe Kyle Rittenhouse is simply a good kid who defended himself. Others see him as an “armed teenage vigilante school-shooting militia-type who is a deeply racist white Trump-supporting, MAGA-loving partisan with Blue Lives Matter sentiments who rushed to Kenosha with an intent to kill.” It’s impossible to agree ...

(Akiit.com) Will gas prices topple President Joe Biden? The French demanded bread. The queen is supposed to have told them to eat cake. The king’s head thudded into the basket below the guillotine. Tea chests splashed into Boston Harbor. In 2007, Mexicans rioted over the price of corn used to ...

(Akiit.com) The Virginia gubernatorial election was not just a referendum on Democrats and progressivism, it was a reckoning. Voters made it abundantly clear that they did not want or approve of the Democratic party’s direction. Despite having a statistical advantage in the state, McAuliffe had little chance of winning due ...

(Akiit.com) When dealing with Veterans Day in this country, it’s very important for serious Black folks to commemorate Nat Turner, one of our most heroic warriors in the battle against white supremacy/racism. In 1831 when Brother Nat led an insurrection in Southampton County Virginia against the enslavement of African men, ...

(Akiit.com) Sometimes it is hard for our African American community to read, hear and observed negatives things, stereotypes and comments about our community that may hinder, discredit, belittle, humiliate, demonized and insult us; thus, affecting our ability to function like normal human beings and succeed in a society were we ...

(Akiit.com) Even before the spanking Democrats across the country received Tuesday night, I was struck by polls earlier in the week showing that President Joe Biden (and, by extension, the Democratic Party) was hemorrhaging support, even among those who voted for him in 2020. Now that voters have spoken in ...

(Akiit.com) “I have not seen any evidence that whether I am doing well or poorly, whether I have got my agenda passed or not, is going to have any real impact on winning or losing.” So said President Joe Biden on the Monday before the Tuesday that proved how wrong ...