(Akiit.com) February is Black History Month. Why do we need Black History Month? Why don’t we set aside special occasions to observe the history of other ethnicities in our country? My answer to this question is that Black history tells a uniquely important story in our nation. It is a ...

(Akiit.com) If you won’t even read this article because you think its conspiracy theory, you have already been brainwashed and you are the ideal CDC/DOD “zombie” for those who created the pandemic, the virus and the poison vaccines. Maybe you don’t think the Tuskegee Experiment was real either. Or maybe ...

(Akiit.com) After cheating and stealing in every election from now until kingdom come, when American Repugnikkkans win power again, they will proceed with all deliberate speed to transform this U.S. constitutional democracy into a fascist dictatorship. Do not pass “Go,” do not collect $200. With all deliberate speed. Twice-impeached, one-term ...

(Akiit.com) Most “either/or” questions are designed to make you choose, but sometimes the correct answer is “both.” When dealing with someone like President Joe Biden, it’s not always possible to know the answer to a simple question: is this man stupid, or is he just a liar? There is ample ...

(Akiit.com) There is a wrenching debate going on inside the Republican Party over the simplest of questions: Should the party look backward or forward? Just because a question is simple does not mean the answer is easy, and indeed, as the 2022 and 2024 elections approach, the backward-or-forward question is ...

(Akiit.com) Donald Trump-obsessed journalists can’t help but notice some “cracks” in his “cult.” Sen. Mitch McConnell declared the Jan. 6 riot was a “violent insurrection,” and former Vice President Mike Pence proclaimed “Trump was wrong” about insisting Pence could overturn the Electoral College. One can question whether these statements are ...

(Akiit.com) All too often, the Congressional Black Caucus gets a bad rap. What do they do, many ask. What have they recently accomplished? Are they leaning on their revolutionary origins, their founding in 1971, the once widely publicized People’s Budget? Have they become go-along to get-along politicians as usual? These ...

(Akiit.com) Throughout our ongoing struggles with China, one key battle appears to have already been won by our adversary: the battle for arts and entertainment. Boasting a population of over 1.4 billion people, many of whom have the financial means to pay for and consume a wide variety of forms ...

(Akiit.com) Every February, the Black community takes the opportunity to learn about the achievements of our people. We read, study, and watch documentaries about Black historical figures. We have panel discussions, seminars, and make the connection between the struggles of the past, and the opportunities of the present. Invariably, every ...

(Akiit.com) I’m the kind of guy Who never used to cry The world is treatin’ me bad Misery — The Beatles Replacing former President Donald Trump with President Joe Biden was supposed to bring joy to the land from sea to sea. We were going to be a united people ...

(Akiit.com) When NYPD officers Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora were brutally gunned down in Harlem recently, the truth about the pro-criminal, anti-law enforcement policies of the left became clear: Woke policies kill cops. There are a lot of so-called progressive public officials in America who view violent, recidivistic criminals as ...

(Akiit.com) The United States government, Big Tech and Cancel Culture have combined into a triple threat to the American Constitutional Republic American by laying siege to the Bill of Rights, particularly the right to freedom of speech. Examples abound. GoFundMe has interfered with the use of millions of dollars raised ...