(Akiit.com) Some years ago, as the pandemic was making its first stirrings, I heard from assorted pundits across the fruited plane that America was going to be changed forever. We would never get back to pre-pandemic normalcy. We would be wearing masks unto eternity. We would be importuned to wash ...

(Akiit.com) Someone recently asked if the “streets” miss Trump. In fact it was Doc Rich, a popular black YouTuber. He recently posted two reaction videos on this topic. Both were street interview videos, where the interviewers spoke with random black Americans. One, the aforementioned, “Do the streets miss Trump?” featured black comedian ...

(Akiit.com) OK, so indict him already. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on the Senate floor the first day of the televised Jan. 6 select committee hearings, said: “(Former President) Donald Trump was at the heart of a coordinated effort to overturn the 2020 elections, to overturn our constitutional order, and inflict ...

(Akiit.com) What is 4th of July for America? It is a day that white Americans who believed they are better than everyone else and constantly portrayed themselves as either victims or heroes celebrate their independence from the former British Empire. It is a federal holiday celebrating the declaration of independence ...

(Akiit.com) The world continues to change, and as a result, so do our social standards and norms. This change has been a part of the human experience and development since the dawn of creation. However, there are certain standards that have remained untouched, such as the protection of our children ...

(Akiit.com) As President Joe Biden was coming to the conclusion of his address at the AFL-CIO Convention on Tuesday, he made an inadvertently ironic observation. “We’re the most unique country in the world,” he said. “We’re organized on one notion. Every other country is organized based on ethnicity, religion, geography. ...

(Akiit.com) Every one of the half dozen challengers to L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said the same thing about him and the department. It must change and he must go. The problem with this is we have heard this refrain about the sheriff’s department countless times over the past decade. ...

(Akiit.com) Wells Fargo Bank is one of the oldest and largest bank in the United State’s dating back over 170 years of doing banking business nationwide and internationally. Wells Fargo was funded by Henry Williams and Willam G. Fargo in March 18, 1852 in conjunction with many successful financial investors ...

(Akiit.com) We are a few weeks removed from the horrific shooting in Buffalo, and yet we’ve already seen the sunsetting of the media coverage of this tragic event, as the news cycle has shifted to the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and now Tulsa, Oklahoma. As authorities and families in ...

(Akiit.com) Ever since the almost certain deliberate leak of the memo laying out the SCOTUS conservative majority’s reasoning for scrapping Roe versus Wade, there has been non-stop speculation about just what that means for women, politics, and the country. Three things are certain. One is that it will create a whole ...

(Akiit.com)  To defeat any opponent, you must first understand your opponent. You must recognize your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and be mindful of their strategies, especially their manner of attack that could be used against you. In sports competitions, multiple sides compete against each other to win a specific event. ...

(Akiit.com) It cannot be overstated: white liberal cultural-Marxists, (as if there could be a conservative cultural-Marxist) are surpassed for their baneful commonality only by their so-called black contemporaries. To which I might add: The crayon-color assignation of both groups is a grotesque malapropism. They’re neither white nor black; but they’re ...