(Akiit.com) Black people occupy a place between hope and despair. We hope our nation will keep its promises – that all people are created equal, that justice is both blind and fair, that truth matters, that there is integrity. We struggle against the imperfections, the racism that is baked in ...

(Akiit.com) Forty. Something about that age puts people on a precipice. Too old to be young. Too young to be old. And if your career hasn’t taken off by that age…well. Will it ever? This is the space where The Forty-Year-Old Version resides. A crossroads. Radha Blank, a Harlem-based writer, is known for her ...

(Akiit.com) Last week the nation, and indeed the world, reacted with scorn and ridicule when President Trump’s federal tax bill of $750 was shared with the world. Many were outraged to have spent more on their federal income tax than the billionaire head of state. But while this may certainly ...

(Akiit.com) “I vote for the man (or woman), not the party” is what millions of Americans say and what, in fact, many do. It is intended as a noble sentiment: “I am not one of those Americans who votes blindly by party; I measure each candidate and then decide which ...

(Akiit.com) Donald Trump is likely to survive his infection with the coronavirus. But it’s hard to imagine how his reelection campaign can. The president has trailed Joe Biden in national polls for a year, and his performance in the first debate did nothing to close the gap. The news that ...

(Akiit.com) With so much happening in your child’s teenage years, it can be easy to neglect their financial training, but this aspect of their development is crucial to their future success. Imagine packing them off to university with no previous experience of handling money? It might be fine, but there’s ...

(Akiit.com) I heard a noise sounding like it was coming from the kids’ end of the upstairs hall. After getting up to inspect, and going for a glass of water, I fell down the rabbit hole, turned on the phone and there it was. My texts were blown to bits, ...

(Akiit.com) “The poor will always be with us,” say the cynics. No doubt, some will always be wealthier than others. We wouldn’t want to live in a society that forced all to be equal. But poverty isn’t inevitable. The 30 million people in America who lived in poverty even before ...

(Akiit.com) TIFF has always been a haven for black films and artists. And now, in this year of BLM, it has stepped up its game showing a particular reverence for African diaspora films. In 2020, film festivals are finding creative ways to present movies to a vast audience as safely as ...

(Akiit.com) “Chaos.” “Painful.” “Dispiriting.” “The worst presidential debate in American history.” “The lowest point in American political culture in my lifetime.” You get the idea. These are responses, from Donald Trump supporters and Donald Trump opponents, to the first 2020 presidential debate Tuesday night. I detect a note of shell ...