(Akiit.com) There is a persistent myth in American politics that a superb running mate can push a presidential candidate over the top, either in terms of the popular vote or in the electoral college. There is precious little evidence from history to indicate that this is so. Vice presidents simply ...
(Akiit.com) “They act like guns are toys until they get shot.” That’s it. Kids playing games and suffering grownup consequences. It’s a prime symptom of misguided adolescent gang life. With a great feel for modern times and hip-hop music, Rapman (aka Andrew Onwubolu) mixes a bit of Boyz N the Hood, with Menace II ...
(Akiit.com) I’ve been writing about “Obama the bad guy” for many years. I was the first to name former President Barack Obama the head of the Obama crime family. I coined the phrase “Obamagate” to describe his reign of crimes against candidate and then President Donald J. Trump. Obama’s public ...
(Akiit.com) Democrats are desperate because they have nothing left in their arsenal. They have nothing left except weaponizing fear about the coronavirus to turn Americans against the president. As I write, #TrumpHasNoPlan is trending on that sewer pit known as Twitter. Whatever. What truly matters is the truth that’s trending ...
(Akiit.com) The 1800-page HEROES Act was passed along party lines on Friday in the House of Representatives, without hearings, without input from any Republicans and likely without meaningful input from most Democrats. How striking is it that the HEROES Act includes the grand sum of $1,200 in aid for individuals ...
(Akiit.com) As a child, did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up? Most of us had childhood ambitions of jobs that perhaps seemed a little out of our reach. However, making your childhood career dreams come true is totally achievable for people who gain the right qualifications. ...
(Akiit.com) Travel is all about discovering new adventures and places. We seek out experiences to help us grow and understand the world around us. Sometimes to relax and find peace, sometimes to get our blood pumping and find new ways to feed our hunger for an adrenaline rush. You don’t ...
(Akiit.com) Many of those who are involved in running businesses are being forced to adapt during this global pandemic. As standardized business protocols are cast aside, we pave the way for a more virtual approach. Over half of Americans are now working from home. Although these are trying times, adversity ...
(Akiit.com) Business failure – it’s unthinkable, right? But sadly, many businesses do fail, for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes its a lack of planning on the part of the business owner. Failure can be brought about because of financial difficulties. And relating to both of these factors, failure can also ...
(Akiit.com) “The video is clear: Ahmaud Arbery was killed in cold blood,” tweeted presidential candidate Joe Biden in regard to the recently released video of the February shooting death of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia. In his shameless rush to judgment, Biden has taken a page straight out of ...
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