(Akiit.com) Every single plausible Democratic candidate for president has endorsed tax increases as a centerpiece of their economic agenda. Think about what we are hearing from Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the “Punch and Judy” show: new wealth taxes, carbon taxes, energy taxes, higher death ...

(Akiit.com) Whenever leftists are charged with not loving or even with hating America, they respond angrily, labeling the question absurd, mean-spirited and an example of right-wing McCarthyism. But there can be little doubt that the left has no love for America, just as there can be little doubt that liberals ...

(Akiit.com) Friday was a historic day for those who support and defend our rights and who volunteer to go in harm’s way on our behalf – Our Nation’s Warriors. Each of the hundreds of thousands of people associated with United American Patriots, regardless of political leaning, is elated President Trump ...

(Akiit.com) If you have a small business, one of the best things you’ll do is figure out how to amp up your productivity. Regardless of the size of your business, getting started and building a name for yourself is hard. This is why amping up your productivity so you’re maximizing ...

(Akiit.com) It was just another day at work. Everything was going well until you heard one of the following sentences come from one of your employees. Suddenly, your seemingly ordinary day took a turn for the worse. “Sir, we have a virus” Your heart sinks when you mishear your employee. ...

(Akiit.com) Sports in education are crucial, we use sports as a way of empowerment for many people, and as our children begin to make use of sport as not just a means to physical prowess but also as a way to get meaning to life, they can hit obstacles. When ...

(Akiit.com) Breathless media coverage anticipated the “history” about to be made Wednesday morning as two witnesses prepared to regale Congress with testimony about President Trump’s Ukraine phone call and the issues surrounding it. History was surely made. Never before had the wheels of impeachment been set into motion on such ...

(Akiit.com) Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., wants “Medicare for All,” as does Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., her self-described “Democratic socialist” rival. Unlike Sanders, however, Warren claims she can finance her plan by raising taxes only on the superrich. The middle class, Warren insists, will see their health care costs go down ...

(Akiit.com) A business owner wears many hats and every hat has its own responsibility. You have the accountant hat, the sales hat, the IT hat, the social media hat. And then you bring in the brown paper bag because so much responsibility leads to needing to breathe into one!  You ...

(Akiit.com) This has been an awful week for the purported new 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. For months, Warren has received nearly unmitigated praise from the media for her bevy of “plans.” She’s been praised as “wonkish” and “brainy” and “focused.” Her growth in the polls has ...