(Akiit.com) Leadership isn’t shown just in what you do. It’s shown in what you don’t do. President Trump proved this recently when he went to Hanoi, Vietnam, to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and – if all had gone well – forge a deal that would lead to the ...

(Akiit.com) Enough Republicans have said publicly that they will vote against President Donald Trump’s use of his emergency powers to build a wall along the southern border. That will hand the president the biggest defeat of his presidency — albeit a symbolic one, as the president has already promised to veto ...

(Akiit.com) Elections have consequences, and for Democrats, the consequences of failing to win enough seats in the past three congressional elections to have control of the Senate have been enormous. Not only has the Republican-led Senate approved significant tax reform legislation and repealed the Obamacare individual mandate, it has also confirmed ...

(Akiit.com) As a business owner there will be a lot of things that will occupy your time. And one of them is going to be business growth and will it keep growing, not to mention checking what your employees are doing and if they are doing all that they should be. ...

(Akiit.com) Yes, we get it. You have a lot of other things to look after, and sometimes the maintenance of your building isn’t top of the list. But, if something does happen to go wrong, then that defense won’t fly in court. By letting smaller things slide, like a slight peel ...

(Akiit.com) Those cubicle walls feel like they’re getting closer and closer and if your boss makes one more unreasonable request on your time, you feel like you’re going to walk out. If these feelings sound in any way familiar, then maybe it’s time you thought about going it alone and striking ...

(Akiit.com) We’re in something of an epidemic in the world of healthcare right now. The need for expensive insurance plans is leaving patients unable to afford care. Medical practices, too, are struggling to pull enough profit to stay open. In short; it’s a nightmare on both sides of the battle lines ...

(Akiit.com) As humans we can be destructive creatures, and in the past hundred years have wreaked absolute havoc on our environment. We’re now becoming increasingly aware of this damage and what it is we need to do to prevent or reverse it. Here are some things you can personally do in ...

(Akiit.com) As a business owner, there are so many different parts of your company you are going to need to deal with on a daily basis. In this post, we are going to take a look at some considerations you should address at some point. Your business structure Firstly, we are ...

(Akiit.com) Most of us don’t want to think about a time where we are no longer around but it is absolutely vital that you plan for your departure in order to ensure that all of your final wishes are carried out to the letter. There are so many things to consider ...