(Akiit.com) Running your own business is an incredibly exciting journey to take, but also one of the most stressful. From remembering to post on social media to working on business development, the little things can eat up so much of your time. One of the biggest causes of bad time-management ...
(Akiit.com) Michael Cohen gave us the several smoking guns in his testimony this past week before Congress. He came to the hearing confessing his sins, asking for forgiveness and armed with provable facts. Showed a copy of the check that Trump reimbursed him for paying women to keep quiet about #45’s ...
(Akiit.com) Yardie is a term that is used to refer to people of Jamaican origin. It’s also a slang patois name for Jamaican gangs and gang members. Want to no more? Come for the movie. Stay for the culture, music and a street-smart education. Actor Idris Elba turns a lifelong fascination with the book Yardie, by ...
(Akiit.com) It is a man-bites-dog story when I support or applaud something that former President Barack Obama says or does. You may recall President Obama started a mentoring organization called My Brother’s Keeper. This initiative attempts to provide a responsible, positive message for young African-American men, a demographic plagued by poor ...
(Akiit.com) The music industry used to be an exclusive club that was incredibly hard to get into. Unless you could convince a record company to sign you and market your music, there was no way that you could find an audience and start selling your albums. But that’s all changed and ...
(Akiit.com) New technology is popping up more rapidly than ever before and what was brand new last year has been replaced several times over. Running a business is hard work so if you could use technology to your advantage and make your company easier to run, you’d do it right? Well ...
(Akiit.com) “Tax the rich,” they say. “The wealthiest one percent will pay for it,” they boast. “It won’t hurt if (insert billionaire name here) can’t have caviar at his dinner party in order for (insert Leftist utopian program here) to save the planet.” After all, who doesn’t want to save the ...
(Akiit.com) The mainstream news has been covering an interesting story. People who were expecting significant tax refunds are, in very large numbers, either getting a minimal refund, no refund or having to pay the IRS. This, after the man Spike Lee has named “Agent Orange”—Donald Trump—promised a massive tax benefit for ...
(Akiit.com) It’s hard to believe that the Democratic Party has managed to shred itself so quickly after so many years of unwavering support from media and culture outlets. The Clintons – perhaps the shadiest political dynasty of our modern age – enjoyed nearly absolute cover when it came to news of ...
(Akiit.com) What does the Congressional Black Caucus do? It takes Majority Whip James Clyburn to make it understandable. “It’s not only what we make happen, but what we stop from happening,” Clyburn told a standing room only crowd at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Black History Month Celebration on February ...
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