(Akiit.com) Recently, I saw two separate stories about right-wing disrupters. In one case, a well-known bookstore in the Washington, DC area, “Politics & Prose,” was visited by right-wing disrupters during a book event focused on “whiteness.” In another case, a discussion of race and politics in the Dominican Republic was ...

(Akiit.com) Last week’s column discussed the highly publicized university corruption scheme wherein wealthy parents bought admission at prestigious universities for their children. That is dishonest and gives an unfair advantage to those young people but won’t destroy the missions of the universities. There is little or no attention given by ...

(Akiit.com) Alabama’s mostly Republican lawmakers and governor passed a strong abortion ban this week, and liberals are fit to be tied. “Today, I signed into law the Alabama Human Life Protection Act, a bill that was approved by overwhelming majorities in both chambers of the legislature,” said Gov. Kay Ivey. ...

(Akiit.com) We have a good news-bad news situation on our hands when it comes to defense spending. The good news is, it’s heading in the right direction: up. The bad news is, it remains too low to fix the spending holiday that afflicted our military for years — a failure ...

(Akiit.com) Speaking on state TV of the prospect of a war in the Gulf, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei seemed to dismiss the idea. “There won’t be any war. … We don’t seek a war, and (the Americans) don’t either. They know it’s not in their interests.” The ayatollah’s analysis ...

(Akiit.com) Let me just say from the start that I love animals, and I’m not just talking about the delicious ones. I drive my wife a little nuts by feeding the birds, squirrels, deer, rabbits, and pretty much anything else I know that wanders through our yard. But our kids ...

(Akiit.com) This week, representatives from Facebook, Google and Twitter will join with European leaders and the prime minister of New Zealand to launch a chilling proposal to curb free speech across the internet. Americans should be alarmed. Internet freedom is being extinguished fast in Europe. How long will it survive ...

(Akiit.com) Elizabeth Warren had some pretty strong statements to make about Fox News on Tuesday when she explained she wouldn’t be appearing in any town halls hosted by the popular news organization. “I love town halls. I’ve done more than 70 since January, and I’m glad to have a television audience ...

(Akiit.com) The Democratic Republic of Congo’s daily hell of poverty, assorted wars, ethnic antagonism, frail government institutions, porous borders, cultural superstitions, meddling neighbors and corrupt elites provide a one-stop-shop example of the wicked conditions afflicting the globe’s less-developed regions, sub-Saharan Africa in particular. Unfortunately for all homo sapiens living within ...

(Akiit.com) The world is full of black success stories. In the business world there are many examples of men and women of color living (and embodying) the American dream just as there are in the political world, the artistic world and virtually any other world one could occupy. However, it ...