(Akiit.com) Ever since this decade began, small businesses have had their list of excuses as to why they can’t get into the import export market has been dwindling. Small but mighty is the new way of things. Small business can and should have an international presence, otherwise large businesses will ...
(Akiit.com) The pain of your enemy should be your joy, and we conservatives are pegging the joymeter right about now watching the political sepsis that is CongressKid AOC and her merry band of idiots running rampant within the flabby body of the Democrat Party. There’s only one solution to the ...
(Akiit.com) President Trump ran for president on a platform of combating illegal immigration and he is keeping true to his word. He launched a series of roundups of illegal immigrants yesterday and late Saturday night, something that was in the works a few weeks ago but had been postponed due ...
(Akiit.com) Many business owners are well aware of the impact a natural disaster can have on their business, but what about a man-made disaster? People can be the cause of disasters too, including oil spills and other types of water contamination, as well as fires. When a man-made disaster causes ...
(Akiit.com) During the eight years Barack Obama served as President of the United States, the Democratic Party was united. He was the coalescing force that held the party together. By bringing in Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State at the start of his administration, Obama healed the wounds from ...
(Akiit.com) If you think you and your band are ready, and you want to get your sound out there, now’s the time to prepare yourself for bagging your very first gig. It’s an exciting and terrifying time all at once, but it’s a great first step towards the worldwide stage ...
(Akiit.com) Kamala Harris, Rashida Tlaib and AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) are at it again. Their insanity, racism and hate speech are the best gifts ever for President Donald Trump and the GOP. Harris just announced her plan to save America. If she is elected president, she’ll give $100 billion of taxpayer ...
(Akiit.com) That thing called life. Everyone goes through it, somehow putting a greater focus on the beginning and not the end. Who’s more adorable? Babies or elders? Yea, right. The Farewell dares to venture to the last chapter of our existence as it examines how an Asian family handles the finish-line ...
(Akiit.com) As the exhausted and thrilled U.S. women’s soccer team celebrated its victory in the finals of the 2019 Women’s World Cup, the cheers of the crowd in the Stade of Lyon soon turned into a chant: “Equal Pay, Equal Pay, Equal Pay.” Even as they fought their way to ...
(Akiit.com) Turns out the winner of the Democrats’ first series of debates was President Trump. According to the Washington Post/ABC News poll, after the Democrats debated, Trump’s approval rating went up to 44% among all Americans. But that is not really the number to focus on. A poll of all ...
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