(Akiit.com) Democrats by 2004 had become obsessed with defeating incumbent President George W. Bush. Four years earlier, in the 2000 election, Bush had won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote. Democrats were still furious that Bush supposedly had been “selected” by the Supreme Court over the contested vote ...
(Akiit.com) It should not surprise us that a person who would claim that there were “good people” among the fascist demonstrators in Charlottesville, Virginia would now move to classify an anti-fascist network as alleged “terrorists.” But that is precisely what “Agent Orange,” i.e., Donald Trump, has been intimating. Unfortunately, this ...
(Akiit.com) In this MeToo age, a biofilm about a wrongfully convicted high school football player, who was accused, tried and imprisoned for rape, is timely. The real Brian Banks, the subject of this movie, lived through an ordeal that was tragic, inspiring and often profound. However, something is lost in this one-dimensional retelling of his life ...
(Akiit.com) When it comes to running a business, there are no doubt a million things on your mind, every single hour of the day. But what you might not realise, is that these thoughts largely revolve around making money, and keeping the money that you have. But a good business ...
(Akiit.com) Democrats are running an interesting campaign so far. They’re promising “freebies” to everyone, which is normal for leftists, but they’re also offering salvation. “Vote against Trump’s racism or you’re a racist,” they say. When it comes to what that racism is exactly, they’re less clear. But these self-appointed Popes ...
(Akiit.com) In Wednesday evening’s Democratic presidential debate circus, the left’s favorite darlings turned on one another with a selfish vengeance, which was a positive development for the country and mildly entertaining. The glorious infighting continued among progressive commentators. This acrimony, coupled with the public exposure of the left’s crazy ideas, ...
(Akiit.com) Joe Biden’s been in Washington D.C. for nearly 50 years and he’s finally got a plan. Too bad, it’s not much of one. Former Vice President Joe Biden released his Criminal Justice campaign platform just in time for the second Democratic presidential candidate debate to be held in Detroit. He’s up ...
(Akiit.com) “Vietnam has benefited from a surge in exports and foreign investment as businesses look to scale back their China operations or relocate to avoid higher U.S. tariffs. But it’s also fighting claims that Chinese exporters are routing their goods via Vietnam and slapping fake labels on their products to ...
(Akiit.com) More than 50 years ago, this nation enacted legal guarantees that fair housing would be available to all Americans. Despite this federal assurance, however, a disturbing and ongoing stream of reports and lawsuits remind us that we are still on an aspirational journey. Aggressive enforcement of fair housing and ...
(Akiit.com) Once again, the House Democrats are at odds with the solid recommendations of our top military leaders. After prodding from House Armed Services Chairman Adam Smith (D-WA), the House passed the National Defense Authority Act (NDAA) 220-197 on July 12. The legislation passed without the support of any Republican ...
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