(Akiit.com) Democrats are delusional. They try to destroy President Donald Trump. They try to ruin Trump. It never works. No matter how hard they try, they can’t beat Trump. Let me give you a great example. Three Sundays ago, I was busy watching NFL football when my phone rang. “Are ...

(Akiit.com) It appears to be the year of the Whistleblower. Or perhaps it is the year of the worship of the whistleblower. But why? And what is so “honorable” about whistleblowers to start with? We all have worked with toxic and destructive colleagues who seem to want to spread only ...

(Akiit.com) I was recently at the United Nations General Assembly when President Donald Trump became the first sitting U.S. president in history to convene a meeting at the U.N. solely devoted to protecting religious liberty. When critics declared it was simply a political move to score points with his base, ...

(Akiit.com) Last year, 1.8 billion people worldwide made purchases while shopping online. The booming online market can be great for the consumer, with added convenience, more choice and more options to shop around for better prices. Unfortunately, the accessibility of the online marketplace also means that a flood of fake ...

(Akiit.com) It is one of the main components of an ethical business. When it comes to the topic of business ethics, ensuring you have a solid environmental stance is essential. But it can be a difficult thing to achieve, especially for those businesses that aren’t up to date with modern ...

(Akiit.com) Anyone can start a new business but the difficult part is making it profitable. The best way to ensure you are on track to creating a profitable business is to ensure that it is running at peak performance, so here are 3 things that could help.  Set your business ...

(Akiit.com) Americans are disgusted that Washington has become dysfunctional, even as Americans struggle with ever greater challenges — from stagnant wages and growing inequality to catastrophic climate change to soaring health-care costs to a decrepit and dangerously aged infrastructure. President Donald Trump blames House Democrats, saying they are “getting nothing ...

(Akiit.com) Each year brings a new record increase in the number of concealed handgun permits. The rate of growth in permits among women and minorities has far outpaced growth among white men. The data paint a picture of incredibly law-abiding permit holders, the vast majority living outside America’s insular media ...

(Akiit.com) “Che Guevara was a sadistic butcher who murdered and tortured innocent people. It is disturbing that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used to fund an exhibition that glorifies an individual who hated the United States, our commitment to democratic principles, and the values of individual freedom that we so ...

(Akiit.com) The student debt crisis in our country is worsening. If nothing is done, its size threatens our nation’s future. Young people saddled with student debt often postpone adult decisions, like purchasing homes or getting married, hoping to start “real life” with a clean slate. When these folks delay buying ...