How To Become An Optimistic Manager.

( It’s important to note that in 2019, perhaps one of the only management styles that has stood the test of time is being an optimistic, forward thinking leader. Being overly strict is known to cause business stress, while simply deferring all the authority completely can mean a business loses it’s best guiding hand, something necessary for decisions to be carefully crafted.

But how can you become that optimistic character, particularly if your own personality is not always in line with the sunshine and roses approach? Well, you’d be happy to know that artificially being overly positive is not the criteria for being an optimistic manager. In fact, simply doing your best is often the best case scenario, led by an understanding of people, and a can-do approach. In other words, to the extent that you can, you have to serve as the ideal that you wish your staff to look up to. This will give you enough of a task to manage from week to week.

But what are the steps you should take? We have some advice as follows:

Learn How To Thrive With Stress

As a manager, you’re going to encounter stress. This is not something you can opt out of. It’s going to happen. Things will go wrong, you will find that employees make mistakes, and you will make mistakes yourself. The worth of a manager is how he reacts under pressure. We’re all aware of how certain people, such as Gordon Ramsay with his famous outbursts can put a light on the ‘hardline boss’ who takes no prisoners and takes his stress out by shouting at people. However, unless you are as skilled as him or work in an industry with such a similar masochistic attitude, you will lose staff very quickly if you do this. Having healthy measures of venting stress while also being able to interact with your team professionally is an essential part of being a good manager. It might be this you should focus on first.

Always Look For The Best Solutions

If you’re going to hire people based on how well they can problem-solve, then you also need to be a problem solver. Looking for the best solutions is key. For example, by using managed services in your IT, you could save much time with many unnecessary processes, keep your department up to date, and improve results as a consequence. Understanding there is always a better method to achieving the best goal is part of what will help you become proactive, and deliver that can-do attitude in spades. This will rub off on your team.

Become Staff-Focused

If you trust your staff to work well, and you take care of them, your tuition and guidance will be carefully applied. You cannot force results. But you can guide the systems that lead to those results. This means becoming staff-focused, fair in your tuition and keeping your social environment professional and encouraging will help many adapt to your management style with ease. It’s hard to pull off, but you’ll know when it starts coming together.

With this advice, you are certain to become that optimistic manager you’ve always hoped you would be.

Staff Writer; Paul Ross