(Akiit.com) Let me just say from the start that I love animals, and I’m not just talking about the delicious ones. I drive my wife a little nuts by feeding the birds, squirrels, deer, rabbits, and pretty much anything else I know that wanders through our yard. But our kids ...

(Akiit.com) This week, representatives from Facebook, Google and Twitter will join with European leaders and the prime minister of New Zealand to launch a chilling proposal to curb free speech across the internet. Americans should be alarmed. Internet freedom is being extinguished fast in Europe. How long will it survive ...

(Akiit.com) Elizabeth Warren had some pretty strong statements to make about Fox News on Tuesday when she explained she wouldn’t be appearing in any town halls hosted by the popular news organization. “I love town halls. I’ve done more than 70 since January, and I’m glad to have a television audience ...

(Akiit.com) The Democratic Republic of Congo’s daily hell of poverty, assorted wars, ethnic antagonism, frail government institutions, porous borders, cultural superstitions, meddling neighbors and corrupt elites provide a one-stop-shop example of the wicked conditions afflicting the globe’s less-developed regions, sub-Saharan Africa in particular. Unfortunately for all homo sapiens living within ...

(Akiit.com) The world is full of black success stories. In the business world there are many examples of men and women of color living (and embodying) the American dream just as there are in the political world, the artistic world and virtually any other world one could occupy. However, it ...

(Akiit.com) If you have a business to promote, and you want to make sure that you do so as effectively as possible, then there are a lot of things you are going to need to focus on and consider in order to get it right. One of the main ones ...

(Akiit.com) When it comes to politics, many people choose to forego their vote when they don’t see any candidate that represents their views or opinions. While this makes sense, it can be a foolhardy stance to take. Casting your vote is a right and a privilege and should never be ...

(Akiit.com) Small businesses have many benefits versus larger ones, but one of the areas where they can lack is technology. Technology plays a key role for the majority of businesses today, and if your systems aren’t up to scratch, it could spell bad news for your clients or customers. As ...

(Akiit.com) You have had the idea for years and you know what the perfect kind of restaurant to open would be.  You have the money and you have the idea, so let’s open the doors and live out the dream. Unfortunately, many people jump into the restaurant business too quickly ...

(Akiit.com) We get so consumed with stuff about the train wreck in the White House that we forget or miss important things going on in the nation and the world. Well, something good and historic happened in the U.S. Congress a few days ago. Chairman Jerry Nadler held a hearing ...