(Akiit.com) The Fair Housing Act was passed a week after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.  President Lyndon Johnson encouraged Congress to pass the legislation as a tribute to the slain civil rights ladder, who, along with several civil rights organizations (including the NAACP), strongly supported the act.  African American ...

(Akiit.com) In 1959, the late Dinah Washington (1924-1963) won a Grammy Award for her R&B hit song, “What a Difference a Day Makes.” The song tells the story of how a blossoming romance dramatically changed life – for the better. Its last lyrics conclude that “the difference is you.” When I ...

(Akiit.com) Anyone involved with a religious congregation knows it can be tough to get a decent sized flock together. However, embracing 21st-century technology can help will this as it can engage and disseminate The Word in a way that is relevant and accessible to a greater number of people. With this ...

(Akiit.com) It’s often thought to be beyond question that black political power is necessary for economic power and enhanced socio-economic welfare. That’s an idea that lends itself to testing and analysis. Between 1970 and 2012, the number of black elected officials rose from fewer than 1,500 to more than 10,000. Plus, ...

(Akiit.com) Grace Jones is a pioneer,  an androgynous model who became a singer, actress and performance artist all rolled up into one. She well deserves a comprehensive biofilm, one that her fans can appreciate and new admirers can adore. This unique, 10-year in the making slice-of-life documentary may not be what ...

(Akiit.com) The Columbia University in New York City conducted a study that showed that those who are over the age of 13 cannot generate new neurons. US researchers made a complete U-turn on Thursday, showing that those as old as 79 could generate new neurons and brain cells. This has fuelled ...

(Akiit.com) Let’s face it: Some 2 billion people in who knows how many nations traded the intimate details of their daily lives in return for the proverbial “free” lunch. “It’s free and it always will be.” Really? So who paid for that empire you built, Zuk? Who knew that, what you ...

(Akiit.com) The utility of feminism as we currently understand it as a weapon of the far left and the toll it has taken on our culture cannot be underestimated. Many readers will take it as given that women’s rights, like many civil rights issues, was co-opted by leftists decades ago; still, ...

(Akiit.com) What did Fox News’ Laura Ingraham say that cost her advertisers? About David Hogg, the teenage Parkland, Florida, high school shooting survivor, Fox’s Ingraham tweeted: “David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA … totally predictable given ...

(Akiit.com) I don’t mind saying that this column represents a grossly understated review of “Discrimination and Disparities,” just published by my longtime friend and colleague Dr. Thomas Sowell. In less than 200 pages, Sowell lays waste to myth after myth not only in the United States but around the globe. One ...