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How Technology Is Revolutionising The Healthcare Industry.

January 23, 2017 by  
Filed under Health, Money/Business, Tech/Internet, Weekly Columns

(Akiit.com) Healthcare industries are currently using technology in different ways to improve their services. That makes sense considering all the advancements we’ve seen in the last few years. However, lots of people don’t understand the full impact. With that in mind, this article will show just some of the ways in which we have begun to see improvements. Will things continue on this path in the future? You can bet your life on it. Doctors, nurses and management teams are committed to ensuring their patients get the best service possible. They know that technology, from emr, to equipment, to med spa software, is the best tool for making that happen.

Digital patient records

The move towards keeping all patient records digitally is slowly having an impact in the medical world. That was reported by Computer Weekly not too long ago. It is hoped that using computers instead of paper files will have many different benefits. Firstly, there is less chance a doctor will prescribe an unsuitable medication. That is because the system should automatically highlight any issues. Secondly, it’s much easier to gain access to a patient’s records in an emergency. That is the case, wherever it might happen in the UK. Hospital staff will have the opportunity to look at your history in a matter of minutes, and they won’t have to make phone calls to your GP.

Smartphone appointment booking

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to book an appointment to see their doctor. In most instances, they have to call the surgery before 8 am and hope the receptionist had a free slot. However, that’s all changing thanks to specialist smartphone booking apps. Representatives from companies like Babylon say that digital booking services are the future. Thousands of people use them already, but it is hoped that more will follow suit soon. Using that method to make appointments takes all the hassle out of the process. Patients can easily see when there are slots available, and they can manage everything from the device in their pocket.

Online prescription services

Getting a prescription from your doctor can seem like a real headache. Most of the time, you have to call them the day before you need the medication. The receptionist will then consult the doctor and ask him to complete the appropriate form. You then have to visit the surgery the next day to get your document. Thankfully, that process will soon become a thing of the past due to online prescription services. The new method will also help people to save money. Patients will just use an app or log into the web portal and make their request. They can then have the prescription form sent straight to their local chemist. So, all they have to do is go and pick up the drugs.

As you can see from that information, the medical world is changing all the time. As more professions begin to use technology, the patient experience will become less stressful. At the end of the day, nobody wants to wait a week to see a specialist or get their medication. With a bit of luck, that will never happen again after the next couple of years.

Staff Writer; John Moore

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