(Akiit.com) The ancient adage in TV commercial advertising is if people watch they’ll buy. If they don’t they won’t. In other words, it’s a numbers game, and the bigger the measured number of viewers who tune in to a TV show the more the cash registers jingle for the shows ...
(Akiit.com) Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is running such a white campaign that he rushed to New York City the day after his New Hampshire win to have breakfast with Al Sharpton to buy, I mean beg, for the black vote. Fresh off the heels of walloping Hillary by 22 ...
(Akiit.com) Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith plan to boycott the February 28 Oscar ceremony because of the all White slate of major nominees for the awards. Blacks have been boycotting White events and White companies for at least 50 years with little progress to show for it. Today, Blacks ...
(Akiit.com) Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders seek to claim the “progressive” mantle. Both claim the other is not a true progressive. Clinton teased Sanders as being the “self-proclaimed gatekeeper for progressivism.” Bernie Sanders said that Hillary Clinton can’t be both a moderate and a progressive and that ...
(Akiit.com) Being a part of a sports team is being part of an amazing dynamic. Each member is a part of something way bigger than the sum of the whole. We know that participating in team sport brings amazing benefits to individuals. Running such a club can at times be ...
(Akiit.com) Every man has a place In his heart there’s a space And the world can’t erase his fantasies Take a ride in the sky On our ship, fantasize All your dreams will come true right away And we will live together Until the twelfth of never Our voices will ...
(Akiit.com) It’s a scenario familiar to many: It’s mid-afternoon and you’ve hit a slump. You reach for a snack to give you a boost. But hold up! Before you down what’s in hand, you might want to give it second thought because that “pick-me-up” may end up being a total ...
(Akiit.com) Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and rival Hillary Clinton trek to a meeting with the Reverend Al Sharpton for two reasons. The first is Sharpton himself. President Obama paid absolutely no heed to the by now ritualistic anti-Sharpton name calling by the assorted menagerie of right wing talk show ...
(Akiit.com) Bernie Sanders raised $20 million with the average donation being just $27.00. What is wrong with Black folks? For decades conscious Black leaders have cajoled, encouraged, admonished, and begged us to raise money among ourselves, a small amount from a lot of people, you know, the way Marcus Garvey ...
(Akiit.com) Although family vacations take place throughout the summer, we’re just entering the weeks that seem most common for an extended family getaway. Kids’ summer activities and sports schedules typically take a break for a few weeks, and a new school year is on the horizon. If you’re approaching your ...
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